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Polystichum Peishanii (Sect. Haplopolystichum, Dryopteridaceae): A New Fern Species from a Limestone Area in Guizhou, China



本文描述了貴州石灰岩地區耳蕨屬半開羽耳蕨組(Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum)一新種:培善耳蕨(P. peishanii),並提供線繪圖與彩色照片以資辨識。培善耳蕨的羽片寬大,頂端急尖,邊緣全緣。這些特徵的組合使得它明顯區別於半開羽耳蕨組的其他種類。培善耳蕨與廣西耳蕨(P.guangxiense)相似,但前者葉片向基部縮短,羽片寬大,草質,頂端急尖,葉柄鱗片寬大,可資區別。培善耳蕨也與對生耳蕨(P. deltodon)相似,但前者的羽片矩圜狀三角形,寬大,邊緣全緣。培善耳蕨僅見於貴州南部與廣西交界的石灰岩地區。


Polystichum peishanii L. B. Zhang & H. He (sect. Haplopolystichum, Dryopteridaceae), from Guizhou Province, China, characterized by large pinnae with acute apices and entire margins, a combination of features not known in other species of Polystichum sect. Haplopolystichum, is described as new. Polystichum peishanii is similar to P. guangxiense W.M. Chu & H.G. Zhou, but differs in having the lamina contracted toward the base, the pinnae apically acute, chartaceous and much larger, and larger scales on the stipe. Polystichum peishanii also resembles P. deltodon (Baker) Diels, but is distinguishable by its oblongtriangular and much larger pinnae with entire margins. Polystichum peishanii is currently known from only three localities in southern Guizhou Province, near the border with Guangxi, China.
