  • 期刊


The Relationship between Personal Characters and Emotional Intelligence of the Gifted Students at Elementary Schools




The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between personal characters and emotional intelligence of gifted students at elementary schools. One hundred forty-six fifth-grade gifted students from seven elementary schools in the Taichung area participated. The results indicated that: (1)The scores on the personal characters, such as beliefs in locus of control, achievement motivation, self-attitude, but not the cognitive styles were higher for the female students, compared to the male students. (2)The scores on all the emotional intelligence subscales, except the “self-regulation” subscale, were significantly higher for the female than for the male. (3)Cognitive styles of the subjects were not related to their emotional intelligence. (4)Beliefs in locus of control was significantly related to emotional intelligence, with internal locus of control rendered higher emotional intelligence than the external locus of control, especially on the ”self awareness” perspective. (5)Subjects with higher achievement motivation showed more emotional intelligence, especially on the ”id”, ”ego” and ”superego” scores. (6)Self-attitude was correlated with the emotional intelligence of the subjects. (7)The relationship between personal characters, such as beliefs in locus of control, achievement motivation, selfattitude and emotional intelligence was found to be positive in this study. (8)The main predictive variables for the emotional intelligence of the gifted students at elementary study in this schools were achievement motivation of the self-attitude and gender. (9)According to the results of the correlational analysis, the relative significance of the variables in predicting the gifted elementary students' emotional intelligence in this study was: 16% for the personal character.


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