  • 期刊


An Explorary Study of Thread of Thought in Wang Bi's "Lao Zi Zhu"


歷來研究王弼者,已取得十分豐碩的成果,而且多以《老子注》為據,將其思想劃歸先秦道家餘脈,進而將整個玄學也囊括其中。然而,當魏晉玄學論及諸如「儒道會通」、「援老入易」、「自然與名教」等主題時,學者對王弼思想內涵的爭論,似乎還尚未平息。再者,作為一個重方法,講究思維系統的思想家來說,我們認為王弼的努力或許不僅僅是為人作嫁,只希望在儒道兩派間,做一個仲裁者、調和者而已,他當有積極建立其思想特色的渴望,是故,正確的解析王弼《老子注》的思想內涵,當是非常重要的工作。 本文嘗試以「思想脈絡」的研究方法,不以學者慣用的橫向方法展現其思想體系中各項論點、範疇,而是採用縱向的方式,在此,談及的論點、範疇間將不是互斥的,反而是前後相因,逐層發展的觀念集合體。但是,此脈絡「發展」的動因,不是時間上的前後相繼,而為意義的逐漸擴充或朝向不同領域的滲透。基於此原則,本文嘗試從「形下現象的否定」、「形上本體的建立」與「形上法則的實踐」三者,探討王弼《老子注》思想脈絡的發展及其內涵。


王弼 老子注 魏晉玄學 思想脈絡


Throughout the history, scholars who investigate Wang bi already make great achievements. Based on ”Lao-zi Zhu,” scholars incorporate Wang bi's thoughts into Daojia of early Qin or even metaphysics. Nevertheless, the debate about the connotation of Wang bi's thought does not quiet down vet when Wei Jin metaphysicians discuss the topics as ”communication of Confucianism and Daojia” ”annotation of I-Ching based on Lao-zi's idea,” ”Zi-Jeng and Ming-Giao” and so on. Moreover, being a thinker who is particular about method and systematic thinking, we believe that Wang bi is not only an intermediary between Confucianism and Daojia but also enthusiastic to assume his own character. Therefore, how to properly analyze the connotation of Wang bi's ”Lao-zi Zhu” becomes an important task. The researcher employs ”thread of thought” as research method in order to present the issues of Wang bi's thought vertically but not horizontally as habitually practice in the field. Thus, the issues discussed are aggregations of ideas with causality but not either-or among issues and categories. The motive of the thread development is not because of the time succession but the expansion of the meaning or the permeation into different domains. As mentioned above, this study will explore the development and connotation of thread of thought in Wang bi's ”Lao-zi Zhu” based on ”contradiction of physical phenomenon,” ”establishment of ontology,” and ”practice of metaphysical rule.”
