  • 期刊

From a Patriarchal Community to an Androgynous Community in Alice Walker's The Color Purple





In her novel The Color Purple, Alice Walker skillfully develops an alternative perspective that challenges, overturns, and regenerates the patriarchal society of the novel. Critics have given deserved attention to Shug Avery and Sofia Butler as models for Celie's evolution; for instance, Bell Hooks writes of ”black women... like Shug and Sofia [who] rebelliously place themselves outside the context of patriarchal family norms...” (294). The major trait of these alternatives to male domination is their ability to break through imposed stereotypes and boundaries to provide models for others, both male and female, to follow. These alternatives are clearly androgynous. Albert and Celie argue but cannot decide whether Shug and Sofia are better characterized as ”manly” or ”womanly.” In the end they agree that Sofia and Shug are not like men, but they are not like women either. However, Walker presents this androgynous alternative in the form of both female and male characters.


Alice Walker Androgyny Patriarchy
