  • 期刊


Return to Basketball Court: Self-Interrogation of Being on the Margin


在102 學年度,臺灣師大籃球隊因為揮拳事件,所有登錄的球員及教練人員均被判禁賽,並且從原來的甲一級中被迫降級。因此,球隊便遭遇到了人力資源上的困境,教練團轉而招攬有籃球經驗的非籃球體保生的學生們,這對一群在自己的籃球夢有一絲缺憾的我們來說,無疑是一個重拾夢想的契機。然而,這趟看起來是相當美好的尋夢之旅,踏上旅程後,卻發現異常地崎嶇難行。種種挫折引發出許多關於「存在」的問題,但當這些問題一一被釐清後,似乎也找到了自身的意義。本研究以筆者自身的籃球經歷為例,藉由自身存在處境的分析與探問法,對各個階段所遭遇到的重大問題進行探究,以了解並釐清自身的存在處境與意義。本文共分為七節,第一節為前言:契機;第二節「對自身存在的探問法」為敘說與存在探問等方法的說明;第三節「擺盪在種種疑惑中的探問」為初入球隊時所遭遇到的困惑進行探究;第四節「深處在種種困擾中的探問」則是延續前一節困惑,對其在現實層面上所形成的困擾進行剖析;第五節「感受在種種轉變中的探問」主要論述在經歷了一連串的苦行訓練後,自身的轉變;第六節「咀嚼在種種回憶中的探問」則是以許許多多的遺憾,對這趟旅程重新思索並下定義;第七節結語:「體悟在種種過程中的意義」了解到其中意義就是這段過程在球隊的點點滴滴。


UBA 籃球 存在 探問 夢想


In 2013, the players and coaches designated in the team of NTNU Men's Basketball were forced to get downgraded from Class A, due to the body punch incident. The players, then, fell in the predicament of human resources of the team, while the coaches turned to recruit elite athletic students of universities. This becomes an opportunity for us, who have had a basketball dream. This looks like a fantastic pursuit of dreams, but it is never an easy task when we really start the journey of basketball dream. In this process, the question of "Being" ensue and then come to us, after the series of frustration. But as these questions are clarified and examined, we seem to retrieve the raison d’être of the self. Drawing upon the basketball experiences, the researchers tend to interrogate and understand the situation as well as the raison d’être of the self, through the analysis and interrogation of the self on each step. The research was divided into seven sections. Section one serves as the preface and opportunity; section two, titled "Interrogation of Self’s Existence," serves as the explanation of narration and the interrogation of being; section three, "Dangling in the Interrogation of Doubts," serves as the research on the confusion met in the initial period of joining the team; section four, "Interrogation Situated in Confusions," serves as the analysis of the confusions mentioned in the previous section formed in reality; section five, "Interrogation in the Changes of Perceptions," serves as mainly with a focus on the self-transformation after a series of trials and practices; section six, "Interrogation of Savoring in the Memories," serves as the reconsideration and redefinition of the sense of loss; and section seven, the conclusion, "Experiencing the Meaning of the Processes," serves as the comprehension about the moments of being in the team.


UBA basketball Being interrogation dream


永不屈服 (Unbroken)。導演Angelina Jolie Voight,Legendary Pictures, Inc.,2014。電影。
白日夢冒險王 (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty)。導演Benjamin Edward Stiller,Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation,2013。電影。
年少時代 (Boyhood)。導演Richard Stuart Linklater,Universal Studios,2014。電影。
Clandinin, D. Jean、Connelly, F. Michael、蔡敏玲譯、余曉雯譯(2003)。敘說探究:質性研究中的經驗與故事。臺北:心理。
Heidegger, Martin,Macquarrie, John(trans.),Robinson, Edward(trans.)(2008).Being and Time.New York:Harper Collins.
