  • 期刊


A Study on the Impact of the Proportion of Board Members Remuneration and Employees' Bonus to Earnings Distributed on Firm's Performance




The purpose of this research is to probe into the influence the allocation for the board members remuneration and that for the employees' bonus has on the operating performance. Whether the issue of cash dividend and stock dividend would influence the enterprise, performance is also included in the discussion. The subjects of study are all the listed companies in Taiwan. The financial and accounting information between 1999 and 2003 of all these listed companies were gathered. The statistic analysis, and regression analysis were conducted by using variables, the board members remuneration and the employees' bonus. The results of the research are as follow. (A) The influence of the rate of board members remuneration of the divisible surplus has on the rates of return is remarkable and positive; however, the impact on the ratio of the company's market value to book value and the annual rates of return on stocks is not notable. (B) The rate of employees' bonus of book value has positive impact on the company's operating performance, yet not great. If we convert it into rate of employees' bonus of market value, the influence will be negative on rates of return and annual rates of return on stocks. The research indicates that the rate of employees' bonus of market value has tighter connection than that of face value. (C) In resent years, the enterprises tend to issue cash bonus to share with its employees the achievement of the operation performance. As far as the structure of the issue of employees' bonus is concerned, the ratio of stock bonus of book value to employees' bonus of total market value has obvious and positive impact on the market performance; however, it has negative yet not much impact on the investors ' rewards. In other words, the performance of an enterprise surely can be improved by the inspiring stock bonus.


