  • 期刊


The Strategy of Tourism Marketing for Keelung Port




基隆港 觀光 整體規劃 港都意象


Keelung Port has become an important trade port for several decades based on its advantageous location. In earlier ages when air transportation for passengers was not so popular, Keelung Port also acted as a key passenger port. However, in recent years, Keelung Port faces keen competition from its neighboring ports which offer advanced port facilities, preferential port tariff, as well as its space limitation and cannot offer sufficient port services for those big containerships. The Port therefore needs to consider those strategies to provide multi-functional services including passengers, tourist activities, container services, etc., in order to upgrade its competitiveness.As qualities of life and leisure being taken serious in daily life during these years, marine transportation and traveling are rising up as well, and tourism becomes one of the unavoidable tendencies to Taiwan's future developments. Then, what are the overall requirements needed for Keelung harbor to reform itself from business port into tourism harbor? The purpose of this study aims to answer the above questions, and seeks to find the critical issues needed, for the developments of both Keelung harbor and Keelung's economy. This paper reviews the natural and human environment of Keelung Port and Keelung City, including their historical buildings, locations, human and economic environments, present port operation situation and its future development plans. In fact, Keelung possesses a very good status to develop marine related tourism resources and is suitable to develop itself as a maritime-based tourism city.


