  • 期刊


Reflections on the Action of Implementation of the Program of "Living out One's Own Career Lifestyle" in Tainan Junior High Schools




Critiques of current education: The implement of Twelve-Years Public Education is a dramatic transform of education in Taiwan. This change forces guidance teachers to face and think back over existing career guidance theory and teaching practice. In face of the dramatic change, researchers proposed an action program of "Incorporating the Career Concept of 'Living One's Own Lifestyle' into Career Curriculum", carried out at junior high schools in Tainan. Action: Founded by career perspectives of existential-phenomenological approach, the program involved a series of educational trainings and career curriculum design from Chinese Career Net (CCN). The current research used the spirit of reflected approach of action research to provide the critical reflection on epistemology of career theory, the process of action, and the relations between teachers and program designers. Outcome and future directions: We proposed theoretical epistemology which is suitable in junior high schools and applied it to the teaching phenomenon through CCN. However, the program needs to stay close to the context of teaching scene and meet the balance between theoretical perspectives and teaching phenomenon. Thus, the program needs to be reformed in following actions.


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