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Effects of aged black garlic extract and exercise on cardiovascular disease risk factors and oxidative stress in postmenopausal women


本研究目的為探討補充黑大蒜與運動介入對停經後婦女其心血管疾病危險因子及氣化壓力的影響。研究將34名受試者採雙盲設計進行9週黑大蒜補充及運動介入,受試者隨機分為四組:黑大蒜補充組(AGE)、安慰劑組(PL)、黑大蒜補充配合運動組(AGE + EX)及安慰劑配合運動組(PLtEX),所有受試者於介入前第0週及介入後第9週進行血壓,身體組成,血脂質,血糖,氧化壓力等指標分析。研究結果發現:黑大蒜配合運動介入及安慰劑配合運動組其腰圍及收縮壓指標與介入前比較有顯著下降(p <0.05);血脂質濃度改變情形:三酸甘油脂、總膽固醇、高密度膽固醇等指標,在各組內前後測比較皆無顯著差異。脂質過氧化物指標在各組組內結果並無顯著性的差異,本結果發現9週黑大蒜配合運動介入對停經後婦女體內降低氧化壓力影響較不顯著,但是在改變身體組成與降低收縮壓上確實有顯著效益顯示:黑大蒜配合運動對降低停經後婦女體內心血管疾病危險因子有改善之效益。


The purpose of this study is to investigate aged black garlic extract and exercise on cardiovascular disease risk factors and oxidative stress in postmenopausal women. Subjects were randomly divided into four groups: aged black garlic extract supplement group (AGE), Placebo group (PL), aged black garlic extract supplement and physical activity program group (AGE+Ex), and Placebo and physical activity program group (PL+Ex). All subjects were collected body composition blood sample before and 9 weeks of intervention. The results showed that body fat percentage has tend to decrease in AGE group after 9 weeks intervention, and waist circumference and systolic blood pressure were significant decreased in AGE+Ex group (p<0.05). The lipid profiled was no significant changes between four groups, and the concentrations of malondialdehyde are not significant differences before and after 9 weeks interventions. The results showed that AGE supplement with exercise intervention not improve antioxidant capacity, but that may benefit on change of body composition and the systolic blood pressures. Therefore, black garlic combined with exercise tends to helpful for reducing cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women.


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