  • 期刊


The Influence of Attack Time on Two Karate Standing Position with Different Gravity and Form of Attack


本研究目的在探討不同重心站立姿勢及不同攻擊方式,其下肢提供的動量和推蹬力,對打擊訊號開始至擊中目標靶時間之差異及影響。以22名空手道選手爲受試者,並使用測力板及高速攝影機探究不同重心站立姿勢之撞擊和逆擊之動作過程。統計處理以SPSS10.0 for Window統計套裝軟體進行相依樣本二因子變異數分析,顯著水準定爲α=.05,結果顯示:不同重心站立姿勢對打擊時間的差異有顯著性的影響,六四重心站立姿勢比五五重心站立姿勢能以較短之時間打擊至目標靶,當採用六四重心站立姿勢時,撞擊比逆擊能以較短之時間打擊至目標。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference of attack time and reaction force time since the attack signal starts caused by (1) standing with different gravity which causes different momentum and reaction force and (2) different attack forms. Twenty two karate athletics are the subjects of this study. The force plate and the high speed camera are the equipments to explore the action process of jab and reverse punch. SPSS 10.0 for Windows statistics software is used to analyze the data. A two-way ANOVA was performed with the data, and the significant level is α=.05. The result indicates that standing with different gravity influences the attack time significantly. Standing with 6:4 positions, the athletics can attack the target within shorter attack-time than standing with 5:5 positions. Standing with 6:4 positions, the jab takes shorter attack-time to attack the target than the reverse punch.


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