  • 期刊


Compare Pacing Strategies on Rowing Competition with 2012 London Olympic Games and 2013 Taiwan National Games


研究背景:對於周期性反覆運動項目而言,比賽時的配速經常是勝負決定關鍵。然而對於我國現階段划船選手在比賽中所使用的配速與戰略分析之相關文章數量有限,無法瞭解國內比賽所採取的比賽策略與國際主流方式是否存有差異。目的:以102年全國運動會與2012倫敦奧運會划船比賽決賽速模式進行分析比較。方法:以2012倫敦奧運會及中華民國102年全國運動會划船比賽各單項決賽場次前三名之比賽時間紀錄為分析對象,將2,000公尺比賽距離以每500公尺做為分段共分成4個分段,將各分段完成所需時間分別換算成各分段平均速度百分比做為各分段配速依據。結果:奧運會選手之全程平均速度均顯著高於全運會選手(奧運男子:5.30 m/sec ± 0.07,全運男子:4.91m/sec ± 0.08,奧運女子:4.61 m/sec ± 0.07,全運女子:4.33 m/sec ± 0.03,p < .05);全運會男子組在第一及第二分段點之平均速度百分比(0-0.5 km:103.31% ± 0.38, 0.5-1 km: 100.40% ± 0.22)顯著高於奧運會組(0-0.5 km:102.05% ± 0.25, 0.5-1 km: 98.71% ± 0.18,p < .05),而在第四分段點全運會組(98.09% ± 0.26)則顯著低於奧運會組(100.58% ± 0.33),p < .05。全運會女子組與奧運會組在第一與第二分段之平均速度百分比無顯著差異,但在第三分段(100.79% ± 0.92)顯著高於奧運會組 (98.52% ± 0.31),p < .05,而在第四分段(98.00% ± 0.76)則顯著低於奧運會組(99.45% ± 0.43),p <.05。結論:奧運會前三名之選手採用拋物線配速(parabolic-shaped pacing)分段配速模式,全國運動會選手在比賽中的配速戰略模式與奧運選手不同,男子選手使用正向配速(positive pacing)模式,而女子選手則以多變型配速(variable pacing)為主。


Background: For closed-loop sports, pacing strategy is often the key to winning competition. However, only limited number of strategic analysis in rowing racing in our country and unable determine the adopted pacing strategy in top level rowing competition of the world or any variation in the country. Purpose: To analyze pacing strategy for different level of rowing events of 2013 Taiwan National Games and the 2012 London Olympic Games. Methods: 2012 London Olympics and the 2013 Taiwan National Games rowing competition finals top three place time record of each individual is analyzed. Distribute 2000 meters race distance into sector of each 500 meters, the time required to complete each segment were translated into various percentage of average speed. Results: The average speed during race, Olympic groups were significantly faster than National games groups (OG men: 5.30 m/sec ± 0.07, NG men: 4.91 m/sec ± 0.08; OG women: 4.61 m/sec ± 0.07, NG women: 4.33 m/sec ± 0.03, p < .05). The National games men was showed significantly higher in first and second sector (NG: 0-0.5 km: 103.31% ± 0.38, 0.5-1 km: 100.40% ± 0.22, OG: 0-0.5 km: 102.05% ± 0.25, 0.5-1 km: 98.71% ± 0.18, p < .05) but lower in fourth sector (NG: 98.09% ± 0.26, OG: 100.58% ± 0.33, p < .05). Furthermore, no different between in women groups with first and second sector but National games women was significantly higher in third sector (NG: 100.79% ± 0.92, OG: 98.52% ± 0.31, p < .05) and lower in fourth sector (NG: 98.00% ± 0.76, OG: 99.45% ± 0.43, p < .05). Conclusions: A parabolic-shaped pacing was showed in Olympic groups and the National games groups showed different pacing strategy in finals. A positive pacing mode been used in National Games men's group, and variable pacing mode in women's group.


sector speed race control closed-loop sports


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