  • 期刊


Effects of Auricular Acupressure on Heart Rate Variability and Aiming Stability


目的:本研究主要在探討刺激雙耳之耳神門穴後,能否藉由提升副交感神經的活性進而造成瞄射穩定度的提升。方法:本研究之受試者皆進行兩次測驗,分別在無耳穴按壓及刺激耳神門穴後的狀態下進行;測驗內容為持續性瞄射穩定度測驗,相隔二周後進行第二次測驗;所得實驗數據以成對樣本t 檢定進行分析,顯著水準定為α = .05。結論:研究結果發現在刺激雙耳神門穴後,受試者之副交感神經活性提升,且在瞄射測試中,慣用手及非慣用手的穩定度成績皆較無耳穴刺激狀態來得高。結論:研究結果證明透過外在刺激所造成的副交感神經興奮確實能影響受試者的表現,此一現象值得延伸至實際的射箭與射擊運動進行相關研究。


Purpose: Past studies have shown that good archers' parasympathetic activity stronger than the average players', which seems to indicate that the parasympathetic nervous excitement helps archers' performance. Shenmen points In TCM theory can make people calm, in addition to acupuncture points on the body, the ears also have Shenmen points. Studies have shown that when the ear Shenmen points are pressed, which can increase parasympathetic nervous excitement. Therefore, this study is to investigate after pressing ear Shenmen points, whether the parasympathetic activity will enhance or not, the stability of aiming will enhance or not. Methods: In this study, subjects accepted two tests, one press the ear Shenmen points and the other didn't. The stability of aiming experimental data were analyzed by paired t test, significant level was set at .05. Results: The results show that after pressing the ear Shenmen points, the parasympathetic activity of the subjects increased. In the stability of aiming test, dominant hand and non-dominant hand got more scores than general state. Conclusions: Research results show that after pressing the ear Shenmen points, which can cause parasympathetic excited, and affect the stability performance of the subjects.


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