  • 期刊


Key to Success for Outstanding Female Boxers in Asia-Using Asian Games Incheon 2014 and Qualification Tournament for Rio 2016 Olympic Games


目的:本研究主要探討2014 年仁川亞運與2016 年里約奧運亞洲、大洋洲區資格賽,不同量級與不同回合間優秀選手的拳路打擊模式差異。方法:以仁川亞運與里約奧運亞洲、大洋洲區資格賽進入決賽之六位選手為分析對象,分別是51 kg、60 kg 及75 kg 三個量級的冠、亞軍選手,採描述統計(百分比、次數分配)與卡方考驗分析不同量級、不同回合間之六種拳路打擊次數的差異,比較六個拳路的打擊頻率。結果:經過卡方分析之後發現,不同量級的獲勝或失敗選手在打擊拳路有差異,均是以刺拳、主直拳及左鉤拳為主;不同回合打擊次數分配上,刺拳、主直拳及左鉤拳的次數均是明顯高於其他拳路。結論:優秀選手多以打擊刺拳、主直拳、左鉤拳三種拳路為主,再以右鈎拳、左上擊拳、右上擊拳為輔。本研究結果除可供拳擊教練在訓練女子選手及比賽時的參考依據,更可讓拳擊教練瞭解到國際賽選手的打擊拳路趨勢,並思考拳路因應之方法。


Purpose: This study focuses on differences in punch variations adopted by outstanding players under various weight categories and rounds in the Asian Games Incheon 2014 and Asia and Oceania Qualification Tournament for Rio 2016 Olympic Games. Methods: With six players that entered the finals of Asian Games Incheon 2014 and Asia and Oceania Qualification Tournament for Rio 2016 Olympic Games as the analysis targets, specifically the champions and 1st runner-ups under 51 kg, 60 kg, and 75 kg weight categories, descriptive statistics (percentage, frequency distribution) and Chisquare analysis were carried out to analyze differences in the number of hits for six punch variations under different weight categories and rounds and compare the hit frequencies of the six punch variations. Results: After the Chi-square analysis, it was found that the winning and losing players under different weight categories showed differences in punch variations, mainly jab punch, straight punch, and left hook. In terms of the distribution of hits for different rounds, the number of jab punch, straight punch, and left hook hits were significantly than the other punch variations. Conclusions: The outstanding players mostly adopted jab punch, straight punch, and left hook, supplemented by right hook, left uppercut, and right uppercut. In addition to serving as a reference for boxing coaches during female player trainings and boxing games, the research results shall enable boxing coaches to gain an insight into the trend of international player's hits and boxing variations and contemplate on boxing strategies against the opponent's punch variations.


林明佳(2011)。2010 世界盃女子拳擊錦標賽攻擊拳路分析。運動研究。20(2),57-66。
