  • 期刊


Performance Analysis of the Corner Kicks for 2015 Taiwan Women's Soccer League


目的:足球比賽為了得分,必須不斷地產生射門。角球得分對於比賽勝負具有高影響力,但過去研究發現角球不是一種容易得分的方式。本研究主旨在探討國內女子最高層級足球賽事木蘭聯賽的角球模式與發入球場區域之關係,以及不同角球模式對於進攻結果之關聯。方法:以2015年臺灣第二屆木蘭女子足球聯賽為研究資料,共計24場比賽,以Simi Scout標記軟體記錄每次角球之模式以及發入球場區域及結果。以SPSS 23.0 for Windows版進行卡方列聯表分析,統計考驗顯著水準α = .05。結果:吊球落在6碼區有較高的關聯性,外旋球落在6碼區外12碼區內,短傳落在靠近角球發球區的底線和邊線亦有較高的關聯性。由於外旋球主要落地區域為得分及執行戰術的12碼區,攻擊方比較容易接到球,其射門機率也因此較高。結論:角球對於臺灣女子足球來說,若要提高角球射門得分機會,應選擇較容易掌握球權的外旋球模式及短傳球模式。


Purpose: In soccer games, players make many shooting attempts for scoring goals. Among the many different ways to score in soccer, the corner kick played a key moment in a match even it has been considered to be one of the difficult ways to score. The purpose of this study was to examine the relations between the different ways to take the corner kick and the outcome of the corner kicks. Methods: Twenty four games of the 2015 Taiwan Mulan Football League were analyzed using the Simi Scout game analysis software. The Chi-square tests of association were used for statistical analyses and the significant level was set at α = .05. Results: There were significant associations between lob-pass and goal area, outswinging corner and 12-yard-area, as well as short corner and areas that were close to the base line and side line where the corner kick was taken. Outswinging corners also had higher percentage of being received by the attacking players therefore higher probability of shooting due to the 12-yard-area being the popular tactic execution and scoring zone. Conclusions: For Taiwan women's soccer, the outswingers and the short corners are the most effective ways of corner kicks.


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