  • 期刊


The Question of Kampuchea's UN Representation and Government Recognitions from 1979 to 1982



1975年4月17日,柬埔寨共產黨(被稱為紅色高棉、赤柬)戰勝美軍支持的柬埔寨共和軍,成立民主柬埔寨政府(the government of the Democratic Kampuchea)。1979年1月,越南攻佔金邊,紅色高棉政權逃往柬泰邊境,越南建立柬埔寨人民共和國政府(the government of the People's Republic of Kampuchea)。於是,柬埔寨存在民主柬埔寨政府(the government of the Democratic Kampuchea)和柬埔寨人民共和國政府(the government of the People's Republic of Kampuchea)兩個政府,在聯合國與國際組織出現合法席位誰屬爭議。柬埔寨人民共和國政府當時實際統治重要城鎮及廣大地區,但卻是由越南以武力扶植的政權,而原本代表柬埔寨的民主柬埔寨政府,卻是由殺人如麻的紅色高棉代表,因此各國對於給予柬埔寨正統政府的承認相當為難。本文旨在探討1979-1982年間柬埔寨的聯合國與國際組織的合法席位(即代表權問題),進而闡述其柬埔寨當時的情況對國際法政府承認制度的影響。


On April 17, 1975, the Communist Party of Kampuchea, which was known as Red Kmers, defeated the Kampuchea Republic Army supported by the U.S. and established the government of the Democratic Kampuchea. On January, 1979, Vietnam army occupied Phnom Pench and the Red Kmers regime ran away to the border of Thailand and Kampuchea. As a result, there were two governments, the government of the People's Republic of Kampucheav and the government of the People's Republic of Kampuchea, which existed in the Kampuchea at the same time. Therefore, the question that which government legally represented the Kampuchea in the United Nations and international organizations came out. The government of the People's Republic of Kampuchea substantially controlled the most part of Kampuchea; However, it was supported by Vietnam by force. The initial government representing Kampuchea was represented by the Red Kmers which massacred a lot of people. Therefore, which government could be recognized by nations was a difficult question. The article mainly discussed which government could legally represented the Kampuchea in the United Nations and international organizations from 1979 to 1982 and how the situation of the Kampuchea at that time influenced the theory of the recognition of government in International law.


董南亞,〈政治解決柬埔寨問題展望〉,《大公報》(香港),1981 年4 月26 日
董南亞,〈柬埔寨局勢的決定因素〉,《大公報》(香港),1981 年8 月1 日
(1995).A Crisis of Expectations: UN Peacekeeping in the 1990s.Boulder, Colorado:Westview Press.
Karen De Young, “Combodian Issue Splits Nonaligned Talks in Havan,” Washington Post2 September, 1979
