  • 期刊

A Study of Two-way Communication Model Applie in Organizational Crisis Management



古尼(Grunig, [15])的研究指出,雙向溝通模式可以避免或者減輕企業因危機而帶來的負面影響,因此本研究以古尼的雙向溝通模式來檢視國內企業面臨危機事件所展現出的對內與對外之溝通態度,並嘗試了解國內企業危機管理溝通之現況。本研究採取1998年漢來飯店財務危機的管理溝通實例作為本研究之個案分析,籍由深入訪談之方法訪問飯店高階主管、公關人員、飯店員工和參與報導之媒體人士,了解漢來飯店在此次危機管理之溝通態度。研究結果發現,漢來飯店完全未採用古尼雙向溝通之模式,因而導致飯店形象嚴重受損,亦造成飯店大規模的裁員行動,及在次年要求財政部的經濟重整。與過去其他有關危機管理議題的研究報告不同之處,本篇研究強調危機溝通在此次事件所扮演的角色,最後希望藉此事件的分析提供台灣各大企業一個明鏡,重新體悟危機溝通的重要性。


Grunig's research [15] shows that companies with ongoing two-way communications often avoid crises or endure crises of shorter duration or of lesser magnitude. In this paper, Grunig's two-way communication model [15] is explored to view communication attitudes to the public while an organization is facing a crisis. Using a case study methodology, interviews were conducted with the employees, management, and journalists involved and familiar with Taiwan's Grand Hi-Lai Hotel's financial crisis of 1998. The result shows that the hotel did not take Grunig's two-way communication model [15] to deal with its crisis so that it brought the negative image to the hotel. Moreover, the hotel laid off a lot of employees, and the Ministry of Finance required it to economically reorganize at the beginning of 1999. Unlike other studies, this study focuses on the causes of the failures in crisis communication. Finally, the finding of the study could offer valuable ideas for other organizations to explore the importance of a crisis communication plan.
