  • 期刊


The Empirical Study of Customer Knowledge Management of Franchise in Taiwan


目前國內外對於顧客知識管理的研究不多,大多數業者只強調對於顧客資料的收集,或是建立簡單的顧客資料庫,卻忽略了對顧客資料進行分析解讀的重要性。本研究所探討的連鎖業,本身就為高度知識運用的產業,配合現在數位資料庫的發達,企業的顧客知識管理運作效果及做法上差異為何,將是本研究的研究重點,並以國內614家連鎖業總部作為實證性的研究對象。本研究之研究結果主要有下列二項: 1.了解目前連鎖業顧客知識流程,可分為顧客知識的創造、顧客知識的分享、顧客知識的應用。並發現關於顧客特性及偏好的顧客知識庫建立方面,仍有加強的空間。 2.驗證顧客知識能影響企業績效及市場的資訊在組織中活動的重要性,經過適當的運作(顧客知識創造、分享、應用),能讓知識成為創造公司價值的資產、增進其績效。


Currently, there are not many researches concerning customer knowledge management. Most managers are only concerned about collecting customer information or setting a database of customers, and the importance of analyzing customer information is ignored. Franchise is one of the industries tending to apply knowledge management with advanced digital database, and it is selected as the research object. In order to discuss the differences and the effectiveness of different customer knowledge managements, 614 chain stores are chosen as the testing samples. The results of the research are displayed as below: 1. To understand the customer knowledge flow of chain industry, which can be divided into the creation, sharing and application of customer knowledge. There is still room for improvement to discover the creation of customer knowledge database in terms of customer characteristics and preferences. 2. To verify the importance of customer knowledge in marketing performance of corporations and the market information in group activities. With proper process like creation, sharing, and application, knowledge can be an asset to a company and can improve the performance of the company.


