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Dementia Screening Scales for People with Intellectual Disabilities: Literature Reviews


過去研究顯示智能障礙者罹患失智症的比例比一般人更高,且有較早發生的情形。隨著平均餘命的增加,他們罹患失智症的風險也就越高。然而大部分智能障礙者有認知功能障礙或合併精神疾病,溝通與表達能力的限制使他們無法準確地描述自己的健康需求,若發生失智現象是比一般人更不易察覺。因此需要一份有效且可靠的評估工具,藉此來記錄智能障礙者認知功能的退化情形。此外,若可早期發現智能障礙者罹患失智症,也能夠使其接受適當的治療。本研究搜尋國外研究中評估智能障礙者的失智症所使用的量表,常使用的量表包括下列三種:(1)智能障礙者失智症問卷(DMR;Dementia Questionnaire for Mentally Retarded Persons)、(2)唐氏症失智症量表(DSDS;The Dementia Scale for Down Syndrome)、以及(3)智能障礙者失智症篩檢量表(DSQIID;Dementia Screening Questionnaire for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities)。本研究將歸納各量表的特色與優缺點,以提供往後研究時評估失智症所需量測工具的參考。


People with intellectual disabilities are more likely to have high risk for dementia and early on-set aging conditions than general population. However, this population is difficult to be identified and accurately diagnosed their aging conditions due to their communication and expression limitations. Appropriate, reliable and accurate dementia scales for people with intellectual disabilities are important to detect the high risk group to accept appropriate treatments and care. Therefore, the present study aims to explore and review previous studies to examine dementia scales for people with intellectual disabilities. The most used scales for screening dementia of people with intellectual disabilities include (1) DMR (Dementia Questionnaire for Mentally Retarded Persons), (2) DSDS (The Dementia Scale for Down Syndrome), and (3) DSQIID (Dementia Screening Questionnaire for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities). The present study will describe the scale in detail and to compare their pros and cons among these scales in the content.
