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The Applications of Artistic Activities in the Institutions for the Elderly




長照機構 老人 藝術創作


Art therapy involves artistic activities using media and visual images to present art creations. To achieve physical and mental health goals, older people can explore self-conscious emotions, modulate moods, establish social skills, reduce negative feelings such as loneliness and anxiety, and increase self-esteem and self-improvement through participating in artistic activities. However, ageing and disease-induced functional changes and the lack of family care may gradually compromise old people's daily living skills, and consequently force them to stay in long-term care institutions. In addition, the parading shift of living environment may result in negative emotions and feelings, thereby affecting the mental and social health of the elderly. This study presented the application of artistic activities in the institutions for the elderly. The artwork analysis and themed group-art-therapy can help the elderly convert their inner feeling into substantial artworks. Moreover, experience exchange, feedbacks and performance exhibition between group members can compensate negative emotions such as depression and loneliness, improve personal skills, and thus enhance self-confidence and the sense of achievement. This study offers an opportunity for care-staffs to learn about the application and techniques of artistic activities, so care-staffs can combine clinical practice and artistic activities together and apply this joint technique to geriatrics care and practice. The diversity, uniqueness and creativity of caring professions as well as the variety and enjoyment of institutional old people’s daily life will also be greatly increased, and therefore improve the quality of lives of the elderly.
