  • 期刊


A Case Report of an Inpatient with Hypopharyngeal Cancer and Alcohol Withdrawal Treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine


癌症病患接受手術、放射線或化學藥物治療後仍常會有消化道機能方面的症狀,以及心理調適的問題因而降低術後的生活品質。本文報告一位47歲男性,因下咽癌術後心理調適不佳開始酗酒,繼而出現無食欲、酒精戒斷現象以及皮膚多處瘡瘍等症狀,患者由本院中醫內科收治入住林森院區中醫病房,經診斷為濕熱內蘊脾胃氣虛證型,住院9天期間除了使用科學中藥治療外,更使用傳統之水煎藥劑治療,出院前後由影像紀錄的中醫望診、以及WHO與MOS SF-12健康相關生活品質調查兩問卷作療效評估,患者在身心都獲得了改善。本文並以臟腑病機四大要素進行理法方藥的探討,提供臨床中醫師及其他臨床或研究人員參考。


Cancer patients who undergoing surgery, radiation or chemotherapy often have symptoms of gastrointestinal function and problems of psychological adjustment thereby lowering the quality of life after surgery.This article reported a 47-year-old male, who began drinking due to poor psychological adjustment after the surgery of hypopharyngeal cancer. After that was followed by loss of appetite, alcohol withdrawal phenomenon and multiple sores on skin and other symptoms. Due to above discomfort, he was admitted to TCM ward of the Linsen and Chinese medicine branch of Taipei City Hospital. He was diagnosed as Intrinsic heat and humidity(濕熱內蘊), and spleen-stomach qi deficiency(脾胃氣虛) in TCM syndrome group. During the 9-days hospitalization, he was prescribed TCM decoctions and powders.In the date of admission and discharge, we used the image study of TCM inspection, as well as WHO-BREF and MOS SF-12 health-related quality of life questionnaire to assess the efficacy.In this article, we also discussed the logic, principle of treatment, and the medicine according to the method of four factors analysis of TCM syndrome differentiation. We hope this case report could provide the reference for clinical traditional Chinese doctors and other researchers.
