  • 期刊


Treatment of Colorectal Cancer with Liver Metastasis: A Case Report




It is no more untreatable disease about colon cancer with liver metastasis, chemotherapy with target therapy before surgery is a standard treatment for those with unresectable liver tumor; it can reduce tumor size and then do surgery with reported 5-years survival rate 40%.(1) Still some patients cannot tolerate the adverse effects of chemotherapy and it lead to lose the opportunity of surgery because of uncompleted chemotherapy. This article is about a 55 years old patient who could not tolerate the adverse effect of chemotherapy before surgery, he finally came for TCM intervention to help him complete the chemotherapy before surgery and then do the surgery. The principle of TCM treatment is to reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors, we reinforce the qi of spleen and stomach to ease the adverse effects of chemotherapy, we use Huoxiangzhengqi powder and Xiangsha Liujunzi decoction to treat patient.
