  • 期刊


Nursing Standard of Physical Restraint for Psychiatric Inpatients




The purpose of this study was to establish a nursing standard of physical restraint for psychiatric inpatients as a clinical guideline. Action research method was adopted in the study, and the research process involved as the following: (1) inviting nationwide clinical nursing experts and scholars in psychiatric mental health field as members of core committee to collect current nursing practice standards of physical restraints in psychiatric clinical settings, and propose the study plans; (2) holding seminar to discuss the research agenda comprehensively; (3) organizing all the information and opinions from the sources of current nursing practice standards, clinical experts, consensus built through the discussion process of the seminar, and the index of restraint use in Taiwan Quality Indicator Project guideline (TQIP) to form the first draft of ”the nursing standard of physical restraint for psychiatric inpatients”; (4) Consulting with the nursing experts from the Committee of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Taiwan Nurses Association and the Committee of Academic Affairs, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses Association, Republic of China at meetings to modify the draft; (5) holding a seminar for public hearing and discussion about the standard of physical restraint for psychiatric inpatients. The established nursing standard of physical restraint for psychiatric inpatients reflects the important concepts of patient safety, dignity, and autonomy; it not only integrates the practical principles of physical restraints, but also the operation procedures in units.


