  • 期刊


Using Technology Acceptance Model for Investigating the Social Network Website (Facebook) Usage Intenton


近年來,社群網站尤其是臉書(Facebook)的蓬勃發展,大大的影響了人們溝通的方式。因此本研究透過科技接受模式(technology acceptance model, TAM)來驗證並找出影響使用者使用社群網站的關鍵因素。本研究在網路上蒐集了105份有效樣本,並透過PLS(partial least squares)進行多群體分析。研究結果顯示,知覺有趣性極為顯著影響Facebook採用的態度,而Facebook採用的態度會極為顯著影響Facebook的使用意向。與過去研究不同的是,研究結果顯示,「知覺有趣性」是影響使用者採用Facebook的態度最重要因素。而知覺有用性與知覺易用性兩個因素並不會顯著影響使用者採用Facebook的態度,而是依照族群的不同會有不同的影響結果。在本研究的多群體比較結果中,發現「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」並不一定會都顯著影響其「採用FB的態度」,而是存在著族群間的差異。「男性」、「重度使用者」這兩族群對三項因素的認同度均很高。「知覺有用性」受到男性、青年、長時間使用這個族群的認同。而「知覺易用性」,則是受到年輕人、男性、有經驗使用者的重視。因此本研究建議,Facebook的開發團隊可以加強臉書的使用介面易用性,另外持續提供有趣的內容,將可以增強使用者的持續使用意圖。


The dramatic proliferation in the growth of users in using social network websites, especially Facebook, has been changing the way of communication in recently years. Therefore, this study aims to examine critical factors that affect the user intent of Facebook. The study adopted technology acceptance model (TAM) as the structural model to conduct an empirical survey via the Internet. A survey of 105 Facebook participants found support for the model via the PLS (Partial Least Squares) multiple-group analysis. The research results indicated that perceived enjoyment significantly affects the attitude toward using Facebook. On the other hand, in contrast to previous studies of the TAM model in social network websites, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use may have no significant effects on the attitude of using Facebook between various groups of users (Sex, Age, Experience, Time spent). Perceived enjoyment is the critical factor that affects user's attitude of using Facebook. The Attitude of using Facebook significantly influenced a user's intention to continue to use Facebook. Multiple-group analysis shows that 'perceived usefulness' and 'perceived ease-of-use' may not significantly influence their attitude of Facebook. Two types of Facebook groups, male users and long usage time users, highly confirmed all factors in the TAM model. Perceived usefulness confirms males, young population (greater than 25 years old), and heavy Facebook usage users. Perceived ease-of-use confirms males, young people (under 25 years old) and experienced Facebook users. Therefore, we suggest the development team of Facebook can be improve their user interface to be more friendly and continuous provide enjoyable and funny content for user.


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