  • 期刊


Complementary Explanation of the Inscription and Focus Research of Three Bronzes of Zou Sheng




This paper is about the study of inscriptions of ”Five Year Zhou Zheng Gui” (4292), ”Five Year Zhou Zheng Zuen” and ”Six Year Zhou Zheng Gui” (4293), mainly focus on characters' relationship, explanation and character of the inscriptions, by referencing to senior scholars' study. First, compiling major argument of character relationship and putting forward evidence in the traditional text, to proof that ”Zou Zheng is BoShi”, ”Zhao Jiang is FuShi” and ”Zou Zheng and Zhao Baihu non brothers” .Second, focus on the inconclusive interpretation of the text, put forward the new explaination. The final part is the study of land issues recorded in these three bronze, according to the forner two parts of this paper. The discussion would start from the word ”YouSi,” by scholars' study, then argue that the inscriptions of these three bronzes of Zou Zheng is not about the annexation of land, but the record of redistribution of power of land administration within the Zhao's family, which is witnessed by ”WangGuan” and followed legal process.


陳昭容、內田純子、林宛蓉、劉彥彬:〈新出土青銅器〈琱生尊〉及傳世〈琱生 簋〉對讀—西周時期大宅門土地糾紛協調事件始末〉,《古今論衡》第 16 期,2007 年6 月),頁32-52。
【漢】許慎、【清】段玉裁注:《說文解字注》(台北:洪葉出版社影印經韻樓 藏本,2001 年)。
【清】阮元校:《十三經注疏》(台北:藝文出版社,2001 年)。
【清】王念孫著:《廣雅疏證》(北京:中華書局,2008 年)。
【清】孫星衍:《尚書今古文疏證》(北京:中華書局,2004 年)。
