  • 期刊

Induction of in vitro Flowering in the Phalaenopsis Orchid



蝴蝶蘭爲最普及的經濟蘭花,但蝴蝶蘭屬的試管內花芽的誘導及正常小花發育卻相當困難。本試驗使用切根的蝴蝶蘭組織培養小苗,培養於添加25mgL^(-1) 6-苄基腺嘌呤的Vacin and Went基礎培養基中,以18℃溫度處理8週後,可誘導試管內蝴蝶蘭小苗由營養生長轉變為生殖生長。之後再經25℃並培養2週可誘導100%蝴蝶蘭小苗花莖形成,而毎株小苗平均可形成1.8枝花梗及產生0.1個可見花芽。移至25℃培養12週後,部份蝴蝶蘭小苗會形成新的花梗和可見花芽,有些已形成的花梗會枯萎或停止生長。


6-苄基腺嘌呤 切根 花梗 蝴蝶蘭 溫度


Phalaenopsis is the most popular commercial orchid. However, in vitro induction and development of normal flowers has been difficult to achieve for this genus. Here we established an optimized protocol for primary culture of in vitro flower-stalk induction in Phalaenopsis Little Steve by using 6-Benzyladenine (BA) supplementation, root-excision and cool-temperature regimes. Among several treatment combinations tested, the addition of 25 mg•L^(-1) BA to the culture medium, removal of roots, and maintenance of flasks at 18℃ for eight weeks was most effective at inducing the transition of Phalaenopsis young plants from the vegetative stage to the reproductive stage in vitro. Using this treatment, 100% of the plantlets became reproductive, producing an average of 1.8 flower stalks after two weeks at 25℃. When the flasks were moved from 18℃ treatments to 25℃ for 12 weeks, some plants formed new flower stalks, some flower stalks withered or stopped further development, and some generated visible flower buds.
