  • 期刊


Assessment of Cell Membrane Thermostability of Chrysanthemum and its Application to Screening for Heat-tolerant Seedlings


利用水浴溫度處理植物組織,測量其電解質滲漏率(electrolyte leakage),並計算植體之相對傷害值(relative injury, RI),可檢測細胞膜熱穩定性,方便快速應用選拔耐熱品種。本研究以數種菊花品種為材料,探討水浴溫度與時間、不同節位之葉片與花瓣及生長溫度對菊花葉片RI值之影響。將6個品種菊花之葉片以25-70℃水浴溫度處理30 min,測量其電解質滲漏,結果顯示水浴溫度與該處理之葉片RI值呈S曲線關係,以50℃較能區別品種間之熱穩定度差異。另將菊花葉片以50℃水浴處理0-50 min,結果所得之葉片RI值隨處理時間延長而增加,以50℃水浴30 min較能區別品種間之熱穩定度差異。以水浴50℃處理第1-2、3-4、5-6、7-8及9-10節之完全展開葉,結果以第3-4節完全展開葉片之RI值較能區分品種間之熱穩定差異。以25-70℃水浴處理4品種菊花之葉片與花瓣組織30 min,結果葉片及花瓣之RI值與水浴溫度皆呈相近之S曲線關係。將4個品種菊花於日/夜溫20/15、25/20及30/25℃栽培74天後,以25-70℃水浴溫度檢測各栽培溫度下之葉片膜穩定性,結果其葉片相對傷害值之S曲線隨著栽培溫度上升而右移,需更高溫度才能達到之葉片相同傷害值。應用所建立之細胞膜穩定性技術,即取第3-4節展開葉之圓片,經50℃水浴30 min,檢測母本為‘彩雲’、‘絨紅’、‘卡若里’及‘小紅娘’菊花之自然雜交實生後代之RI值,並分為第一群(RI 30%-50%)、第二群(RI 51%-70%)及第三群(RI 71%-99%),結果顯示葉片RI值低的實生苗定植後其花芽發育較快且較早開花。


Cell membrane thermostability (CMT), measured as electrolyte leakage or relative injury (RI) of plant tissues, can rapidly and easily identify heat tolerant crop genotypes. This study investigated the effects of water bath temperature and duration, leaves from different nodes, leaves and petals, and growth temperature on RI value in chrysanthemum cultivars. An electrolyte leakage technique was used to measure cell membrane thermostability. The relationship between the relative injury (RI) value occurring in leaf tissue discs and treatment temperature (25-70℃) was sigmoidal for six cultivars. A single temperature treatment at 50 ℃ resulted in RI values near of the sigmoidal response curve and showed the greatest sensitivity in detecting genotypic differences in heat tolerance. Leaf RI increased with increasing water bath at 50℃ duration from 0 to 50 min, and the 30-min treatment exhibited the greatest genotypic differences. Leaves 1-2 to 9-10 from top were taken to measure their RI values in water bath at 50℃ for 30 min. Results showed that full-expanded leaves 3 to 4 had the greatest genotypic differences. The RI values at water bath temperatures of petal and leaf discs in four chrysanthemums cultivars had similar sigmoid relationships. Leaf RI values were measured in water bath at 25-70℃ of four chrysanthemum cultivars grown at 20/15, 25/20, and 30/25℃ for 74 days. Results showed that leaf RI of the sigmoidal response curve tended to decrease with increasing growth temperature from 20/15℃ to 30/25℃. RI values at 50℃ water bath for 30 min were measured and calculated for open-pollinated seedlings from pistillate parents 'Tsai-Yun', 'Rong-Hung', 'Kaa Luoh-Lii', and 'Hisao Hung-Niang'. Three response groups were classified according to their leaf RI values as group I (30% to 50% RI), group II (51% to 70% RI), and group III (71% to 99% RI). Results showed that the seedlings with low RI values are those with greater CMT and earlier flowering when planted in the field during summer and fall.


