

香蕉類作物是熱帶地區主要食用、藥用及有用原料的來源,在非洲、東南亞、拉丁美洲及大洋洲等地區長久以來一直是重要的糧食作物。芭蕉屬(”Musa” L.)為單子葉植物綱(Monocotylendons)、薑(蘘荷)目(Zingiberales)、芭蕉科(Musaceae)多年生草本植物,起源於東南亞一帶。本屬植物約有60~70種,通常細分為正蕉宗[M. ”sect. Eumusa” (”Musa”) Cheesman]、紅蕉宗[M. sect. ”Rhodochlamys” (Baker) Cheesman]、美蕉宗(M. sect. ”Callimusa” Cheesman)、澳蕉宗(M. sect. ”Australimusa” Cheesman)及M. sect. ”Ingentimusa” Argent等五宗(section)。Häkkinen(2013)重新整理屬下分類的資料,建議芭蕉屬分成染色體x=11的正蕉宗及染色體x=10, 9或7的美蕉宗等二宗。栽培種香蕉起源於二倍體野生種尖蕉(M. ”acuminate” Colla)及拔蕉(M. ”balbisiana” Colla),有些栽培種之遺傳組成則包含M. ”schizocarpa” N.W. Simmonds 之S基因組或纖維蕉(M. ”textiles” Née)之T基因組。由於體細胞變異發生單為結果與種間雜交加上空間與時間的作用等因素,演化出豐富且多樣的遺傳資源。雖然芭蕉屬為林奈(Linnaeus, 1753;1736)所命名,栽培種則是由Simmond與Shepherd(1955)及Silayoi與Chomchalow(1987)依基因組成及倍數性來命名。在此系統分類下,栽培種香蕉包括同質結合的AA、BB、AAA、BBB、AAAA、BBBB(M. acuminata 或M. babisiana)與異質結合的AB、AAB、ABB、ABBB、AAAB、AABB(M. ×”paradisiacal” L.=M. ”acuminate” ×M. balbisiana)等遺傳組成與倍數性。明確的親緣關係分析或分類將有助於遺傳資源的收集與利用及促進遺傳之改良。


The banana is one of the major tropical food, medical, and economical resources. It has long been serviced as a traditional staple food in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. Bananas and plantains belong to the genus ”Musa” L. in family Musaceae, in the monocot order Zingiberales (formerly Scitamineae). The genus ”Musa” comprises of 60-70 species and was morphologically divided into section ”Eumusa” (”Musa”) Cheesman, section ”Rhodochlamys” (Baker) Cheesman, section ”Callimusa” Cheesman, section ”Australimusa” Cheesman, and section ”Ingentimusa” Argent. Häkkinen (2013) restructured genus ”Musa” into two sections, M. sect. ”Musa” (x = 11) and M. sect. ”Callimusa” (x = 10, 9, or 7) based on DNA analyses. ”M.” sect. ”Rhodochlamys” is synonymized with ”M.” sect. ”Musa” and ”M.” sect. ”Australimusa” and ”M.” sect. ”Ingentimusa” are treated as synonyms of ”M.” sect. ”Callimusa”. At least four wild species, ”M. acuminate” Colla (donor of the A genome), ”M. balbisiana” Colla (donor of the B genome),” M. schizocarpa” N.W. Simmonds (donor of the S genome), and ”M. textilis” Née (donor of the T genome), have contributed to the gene pools of domesticated bananas. Linnaeus (1753, 1736) was the first to assign scientific nomenclature to ”Musa” L., while the botanical nomenclature of cultivated bananas was established by Simmonds & Shepherd (1955) and Silayoi & Chomchalow (1987) on the basis of the ploidy level and the genome of each cultivar. This system divided cultivated bananas into genotypes AA, BB, AAA, BBB, AAAA, BBBB (”M. acuminate” or ”M. babisiana”) and AB, AAB, ABB, AAAB, AABB, ABBB (”M.”×”paradisiacal” L. = ”M. acuminate”×M. ”balbisiana”), providing a clear and coherent classification for cultivated banana and has, therefore, been widely accepted. Elucidating the phylogeny and classification of ”Musa” L. is of great importance because phylogenetic relationships can provide valuable information related the collection and utilization of genetic resources for further banana improvement.

