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  • OpenAccess

臺灣的大學院校師生對Library 2.0網站的使用意圖及使用行為之探討

A Study of Taiwan Universities' Intention and Behavior to Use Library 2.0


隨著資訊科技的發展及網際網路的普及,造就Web 2.0風潮的興起,圖書館亦在此環境下,扮演著資訊提供者的角色。本研究主要以科技接受模式結合創新擴散理論為架構,針對臺灣的五所大學院校使用Library 2.0之師生進行調查,經由研究結果發現,若Library 2.0在推廣初期,能強調其知覺有用性、知覺易用性、可試用性及可觀察性,即可有效地增加使用者之使用意圖;此外,目前使用者普遍對Library 2.0的態度趨於正向,且正向影響採用Library 2.0的意圖及行為。透過以上結果,本研究期望提供正在規劃及預期導入Library 2.0之圖書館實質的參考,並期望相關單位能建置更符合大學院校之數位圖書館。


With the development of information technology, increasing prevalence of the internet, the emergence of Web 2.0 has allowed users to access an increasing amount of information on the Web. In the present social environment, libraries play the role as an information provider. This study based on technology acceptance model and innovation diffusion theory to survey Library 2.0 applications in Taiwan's university libraries. Results showed that most of the respondents hold a positive attitude toward Library 2.0, and their attitude has positive influence on their intention to use them. Besides, if perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trialibility, and observability can be emphasized during promotion of the systems, users' intention to use the systems can be effectively increased. Through the above findings, this study attempted to provide a reference for libraries planning to introduce Library 2.0 in the future.


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