  • 期刊


A Study of Professional Quality for Physical Education Teachers in Taiwanese Senior High Schools-Based on the New Physical Education Curriculum Guideline of Senior High Schools


目的:本研究在探討95學年度所要實施的「高中體育課程綱要」頒訂後,高中體育教師專業素質的現況、不同背景變項間的差異及其對專業素質的預測情形。方法:採德懷術(Delphi method)、問卷調查法、訪談等方法進行研究,以全國高中體育教師為對象進行調查,研究工具採自編問卷方式,採用德懷術專家取向方式建構高中體育教師專業指標,並以此指標為依據,設計出「高中體育教師專業素質量表」進行研究,本研究採分層隨機叢集抽樣方式,抽取全國104所學校,共計發放問卷624份,有效實際回收557份(有效回收率89.26%),統計處理採用描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費法事後比較、多元迴歸等方法。結果:1.台灣地區高中體育教師專業素質在中上程度。體育教師信念、教師敬業精神等專業態度領域表現最佳,專業知識領域中的課程總綱認知、體育綱要認知等素質較低。2.男性、兼任行政、曾參與體育課程綱要研習、博碩士學歷、資深教師等教師背景變項有較佳的專業素質。3.性別、學歷、是否參加體育課程綱要研習等變項對體育教師專業素質具有預測力。結論:1.台灣地區高中體育教師具有良好的專業素質。2.不同背景變項教師的專業素質有差異存在。3.教師背景特質可以預測教師專業素質。最後,本研究建議增辦新課程綱要的研習活動,以增進更多高中體育教師能瞭解新課程綱要的內涵;針對初任體育教師設計專業成長課程,以提昇專業素質;此外,教育行政單位宜暢通進修管道及建置多元研習課程,此為提昇高中體育教師專業素質的有效途徑。


The purposes of this study were to investigate the professional quality of physical education teachers in Taiwanese senior high schools. This study used the Delphi method to construct professional indexes of physical education teachers, questionnaires to collect quantitative data, and interviews to collect qualitative data. A total of 624 questionnaires were mailed to 104 high schools and 557 valid questionnaires (89.26%) returned. The results of this study were as followed: 1. Physical education teachers perform better in terms of their beliefs and professional spirit, as in contrast to their recognition of curriculum guidelines. 2. There were significant differences in professional quality for teachers with diverse backgrounds. 3. Gender, academic degree, and participated symposium of physical curriculum guidelines could predict professional quality. This study recommends that educational administration should provide more workshops of physical education in teaching and more symposiums of new high school curricular guideline in order to improve professional quality of physical education teachers.


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