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"The Profound Meaning is Worthy to Deliberate Constantly": The Analysis of Zhu Xi's Exhortation in Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from the Four Books (Sishu zhangju jizhu)




二程 朱熹 四書 理學 經學


Zhu Xi not only searched the scholars' achievements in Han and Tang, but also collected the scholars' thoughts in the North Song. He speculated the Saints' mind as well as the classics in order to give suitable explanations and definitions, and then finish his work, Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from ”the Four Books” (Sishu zhangju jizhu). Since entertaining great expectation, Zhu broke the rule of annotation and tried to be not only an annotator but also a commentator, who reminds readers to keep an eye on some key points. This way of writing reflected the understanding of Zhu, one of the ”readers,” and encouraged the later ”readers” to think more deeply. Zhu used the form of dialogue and impressive directions to exhort and emphasize the key points again and again. This is the most particular content of Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from ”the Four Books” (Sishu zhangju jizhu), but no scholars have researched the issue yet. In order to offer a clear argument, I will review the process of the transformation of Zhu's words which was used to instruct his disciples into the technical terms of annotation. Inheriting Cheng Yi and Cheng Hao's thinking, Zhu clarified their contrary arguments and made a clear conclusion, explicated the thread of the thought, digested, and then found the Saints' mind. Instead of drawing from the world outside, people shall learn from their own mind inside. Reading classics, in fact, is the skill of self-cultivation. Zhu understood the meaning of reading profoundly and finally proved the value of ”the Four Books”. The repeated exhortations in Exegesis of the Collections of Texts from ”the Four Books” (Sishu zhangju jizhu) are the result of his understanding. Can later readers ignore Zhu's comprehension?


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