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Case Study of Consumer Behavior at a Heated Indoors Swimming Pool: Heated Indoors Swimming Pool at. National Taiwan Normal University


本研究者在瞭解國立臺彎師範大學游泳消費各對游泳池活動訊息來源、從事游泳運動之生活習性、參與動機,入會前之考慮因素,以及對游泳池相關設備和管理人員服務態度的看法。研究對象爲345位臺灣師大牌泳池之會員,其中包括:師大學生、數職員工(含退休或兼任)、師大及附中教職員工直系親屬及配偶、師大校友及校外人士等。並以「國立臺灣師範大學游泳池消費者行爲調直問卷」爲研究工具進行現場問卷調直,根據回收的問卷整理後,分別以描述性統計、百分比、次數分配及卡方考驗等統計方式加以分析整理,其研究結果發現: 一、消費者對游泳池活動訊息來源及從事游泳運動之生活習性方面: 國立臺灣師範大學游泳消費者對游泳池訊息來源主要是以校內之宣傳布條、海報等刊物佔(38.25%)的人數比例最高,從事游泳池運動時成員以自己一個人比例爲最多佔(66.58%),游泳場所大部份以學校內之公立游泳池爲生佔(88.41%),游泳池運動的頻率以幾乎每天都去特泳所佔人數最多(36.52%),至於游泳的時間以晚上(18:30~21:00)爲最佳的選擇佔(65.8%)。 二、在參與動機方面: 消費者之參與動機依序爲「爲保持身體健康」、「培養一個終身的休閒活動」、「消除疲勞、提振精神」。 二、從事游泳運動所優先考慮的因素依序爲: 「溫水游泳池」、「游泳池水質品質佳」、「離家距離近」 三、對游泳池各項設備整體性評估: 消費者大多數滿意(76.24%),尚可者(16.12%),不滿意者僅佔(7.54%)。 四、對管理人員的服務態度整體性評估: 滿意者佔大部份(82.90%),尚可者(13.04%),不滿意者僅佔(4.06%)。從四、五兩點滿意度來看,可以發現消費者對臺灣師大游泳池各項設備以及管理人員的服務態度滿意度很高。

Parallel abstracts

This paper studies members of the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) swimming pool with the aim of understanding information sources, usage patterns among swimmers, motives, factors considered before joining, and evaluation of pool facilities and staff attitudes. For the purposes of this study, questionnaires were distributed to 345 members of the NTNU swimming pool, including NTNU students and faculty (including retired and part-time faculty), the children and spouses of NTNU and NTNU Senior High School faculty, NTNU alumni, and persons unaffiliated with the university. Completed questionnaires were collected, tabulated, and submitted to statistical analysis, with the following results: 1. Information Sources and Patterns of Usage among Swimmers The primary way in which members learned about the pool was through printed materials such as banners and posters placed around campus (38.26%). Most members used the pool facilities alone (66.38%). 88.41% of the respondents said that the campus pool was the primary plate they went swimming.. Most of the persons polled said that they made use ‘of ‘the facilities almost every day (36.52%). Evening (6:30-9:00) was cited by 65.8% of the respondents as the best time for swimming. 2. Motives The most frequently mentioned motives were, by order of frequency, ”keep in shape”, ”develop a lifelong recreational past-time”, ”relax/improve alertness” 3. Factors Considered when Selecting Pool The top three factors for choosing the NTNU pool were that it was heated, it had clean water, and it was close to home. 4. Overall Evaluation of Pool Facilities 76.24% of the members were satisfied, followed ‘by 16.12% who were reasonably satisfied and 7.54% .who were unsatisfied. 5. Overall Evaluation of Pool Staff Attitude 82.90% of the respondents were satisfied, while 13.04% were reasonably satisfied and 4.06% were unsatisfied. From the above two categories we can see that. NTNU pool members show a high level of satisfaction with regard to pool facilities and staff attitudes.

Cited by

楊惠文(2009)。俱樂部服務品質、顧客滿意度與忠誠度之相關研究--以金鵝度假村De Mon Spa會館為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣師範大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0021-1610201315170788
