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A Study of the Assessment Scales for the Instruction in Physical Education of National Taiwan University


近年來在教育改革的影響下,學校體育也面臨諸多變革,其中爲提升體育教學品質,評鑑教師們的教學成爲值得重視的課題。 本研究爲建立台灣大學體育教學評鑑作準備,以國立台灣大學修習體育課的228位學主爲對象,進行「台彎大學體育教學評估量表」之編制研究。本研究從參考文獻、專家意見和8所大學相關之評鑑資料發展出初測題目,再經由主軸法因素分析統計步驟,最後選出35道合適的題目。量表命名爲「台灣大學體育教學評估量表」,題目分屬四個構面,分別是:(1)教師教學風格、(2)教師專業素養、(3)體育教學效益和(4)體育成績考核。量表之效度分析可解釋總變異量爲52.67%,內部一致性信度分析Gonbach's alpha系數在0.910~0.936間,形成正式量表。


Physical education in school was faced with changing for sake of education reform. In order to promote the instructional quality of physical education, it is an important task to deal with instructional evaluation of physical education. This study was ready for setting an instructional evaluation system in physical education of National Taiwan University. The pilot scales was made up from inducting references review, expertise and 8 colleges' assessing data, and according to 228 students who took the course of physical education in National Taiwan University. There were 35 items which were suitable for the scales by process the initial factor method. The scales was named ”The Instruction Assessment scales in Physical Education of National Taiwan University”, and included four factors (1) teacher's instructiona1 style, (2) teacher's professiona1 mastery, (3) teaching effects of physical education, and (4) evaluating pupil progress. Validity analysis in sum of variance were 52.67% and reliability analysis of the Conbach's alpha were between 0.910 and 0.936. Final1y, the formal assessing scales was completed.


