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Score Technique Structure in Beach Handball Game in 2010 Man's Handball Competition in Sports Affair for All Citizens


本研究目的為藉由2010 年全民運動會男子沙灘手球錦標賽為例,探討各賽次之攻擊活動的得分結構因子,來瞭解沙灘手球在各項得分結構因子之射門次數及比例其差異,其得分結構因子包含:得分區域、得分方式以及得分時間,並進一步探討得分結構因子與射門次數及比例之間的相關程度。透過現場實地錄影2010 年全民運動會男子沙灘手球錦標賽十九場次比賽,利用描述性統計分析各項得分結構因子之射門次數百分比,以單因子變異數分析法進行探討不同得分結構因子之射門次數的差異性影響。結果發現360°旋轉射門在攻擊的選擇是一項非常有效率以及在統計上與其他射門方式相較下是有明顯差異的一項攻擊手法, 其總得分次數為375 次,占所有射門方式之52.22%;規定的時間範圍內,上下半場的開始後五分鐘,已經是影響比賽結果的關鍵時刻,上半場0 ~ 5 分鐘總得分次數208 次 ( 28.92 % ),下半場11 ~ 15 分鐘總得分次數193 次 (27 % ),而在統計上與總得分次數 (上半場0 ~ 5 分鐘;下半場11 ~ 15 分鐘) 與總得分分數 (上半場0 ~ 5 分鐘;下半場11 ~ 15 分鐘) 有顯著的差異性。未來對於教練的戰術下達以及球員的攻擊選擇時間點是一項十分重要的結果依據,可以善加利用本項研究的特點對沙灘手球有更一步的認識以及運用。


Due to Taiwan's characteristic which is surrounded by the sea, it is the best environment for Beach Handball development. The Beach Handball is still a new exercise competition item, lots of information are needed to set up and discuss. Since the Statistics was applied for the Handball exercise research, plenty of researchers made the comparisons between technical actions, rate of score, capability of defense and the results of each game. So, according to the Man Handball Competition in Sports Affair for All Citizens, 2010, we try to realize the Score Technique Structure in Beach Handball Game, further, we can set up the information index both for the coaches and athletes. The aim of this study is to figure out the relationship between the type of score, timing of score, area of score and the Score Technique Structure in Beach Handball Game. The results showed that spin shoot made the greater efficiency in scoring and revealed the significant difference in statistics analysis; the timing also showed that the beginning five minutes in the first quarter and second quarter were the key factor for scoring. According to our finding, we can make the hallmark for the coaches and all Beach Handball players to improve their performance on the field and try to get more familiar with this exercise, Beach Handball.


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