  • 期刊

The Demonstration of Discourse Analysis on Reading Teaching: The Problem-Solution Pattern



本文旨在探討言談分析在閱讀教學上的影響,並針對「問題解決模式」在閱讀教學之應用進行討論。茲分為幾大主題進行:先介紹言談分析的定義,再討論其分類之相關議題。本研究重點在於介紹「問題解決模式」在文本上的應用,並以教科書之一篇文本為例進行詳盡地分析討論,以闡釋文本句子間相互之關係。最後以「問題解決模式」在閱讀教學上之影響收尾。 言談分析使我們對語言教學有一番新的見地;「問題解決模式」提供線索,使學習者在閱讀學習上對句子間相互之關係更深入了解。此外,激發學生的基模,有助於其在閱讀學習時吸收新知。從微觀角度來看,「問題解決模式」在閱讀教學上是一有利的分析工具;因此,教導學生「問題解決模式」之要素實有助其了解文本的內容。


Discourse analysis has presented us with a fundamentally different way of looking at language compared with traditional models. Learners can be beneficial from the clues as to mutual relevance provided by the Problem-Solution pattern in reading practices. In addition, teachers are supposed to stimulate the readers' schemata so as to facilitate their absorbing new information in reading teaching. Moreover, at a microlevel, Problem-Solution pattern appears to be a very useful analytical tool in reading teaching, enabling the teacher to assist students to recognise the lexical signals used to predict what is to come. Also, the intertextual expectation is necessary and should be taught in language teaching to make sense of texts in some situations. Therefore, teaching the elements of the Problem-Solution pattern can benefit readers to map the information in the text. The purpose of this paper is to explore the implications of discourse analysis for reading teaching. It begins with defining discourse analysis, and proceeds to its scope. Next, the Problem-Solution pattern used to analyse a written text is presented. Meanwhile, the analysis of a reading sample from a textbook is also produced to illustrate mutual relevance of the text sentences. This paper concludes by highlighting the pedagogical implications of the Problem-Solution pattern.
