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Importance of Job Attributes: An Investigation on Work-Study Behavior of Vocational College Students


研究動機:現今大學生於在學期間參與兼職工作已日漸平凡,而技職院校大學生參與兼職工作現象又更為顯著,且未來畢業有70%以上皆會從事就業規劃,所以本研究希望了解技職院校學生對兼職工作因素重視程度。 研究方法:本研究共發放300份問卷,有效回收問卷為275份,有效回收率為92%。並運用深度訪談法、信度分析、效度分析、相關係數、次數分配、描述性統計分析、變異數分析等方法,希望了解不同的人口統計變項對兼職工作因素重視程度是否具有顯著差異,並驗證假設。 研究結果:技職院校學生最重視的兼職工作因素為工作氣氛,其次為高額時薪,第三為學習技能,第四為符合興趣,第五為社交需求。而變異數分析發現不同的性別、平均成績、打工目的、畢業規劃對兼職工作因素重視程度呈現部分顯著差異。但不同的年級與兼職工作因素重視程度不具有顯著差異,最後經由分析結果給予業者實務面的建議。


Research motivation: Work-study has become a fashion among college students. Among them, vocational college students are more dedicated in work-study activities. 70% of them are prepared to work after graduation. Research method: This study explores how important work factors are to vocational college students. 275 out of 300 questionnaires were collected and made a 92% response rate. In order to examine the influence of demographics on work-study factors, the researchers tested the hypotheses using various statistical tools including reliability & validity analyses, correlation, frequency, descriptive, and ANOVA. Research result: The results indicate that the most important work factor to vocational college students is the atmosphere at work. High pay is the second. Skill learning, interest, and social needs are listed as the third to fifth. Furthermore, work-study factors were significantly affected by gender, average grades, purpose, plan for future, except the seniority. Recommendations for practitioners are provided accordingly.


林淑君(2010)。臺灣護理科系學生職業生涯決定行為 意向之多層次模型建構研究〔博士論文,國立臺北科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6841/NTUT.2010.00252
