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Privacy or Popularity? The Effect of Privacy Attitudes and Individual Factors on Social Networking-Site Behaviors


科技的進步造就人類文明的社會,全球網際網路的興起改變人類生活的方式,使得大部分的人利用網際網路來從事社交活動。許多報告指出,臉書(Facebook)已成為最受歡迎的社交網路平台,它在人們生活中扮演重要的角色。最近幾年,臉書的使用者大幅增加,因此對人們的互動產生獨特的影響。當個人資訊在社交網路平台揭露時,使用者開始意識到使用Facebook所面臨的隱私問題,隱私管理成為一個值得研究的主題。本研究主要探討:臉書使用者對隱私的關切,包括隱私態度、隱私管理及知覺隱私品質,同時考量使用臉書所帶來的個人滿足與人氣,對臉書使用行為的影響。本研究利用問卷調查蒐集資料,問卷透過線上平台mySurvey進行發放,有效樣本數為360份,並透過結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)使用SPSS 12.0及LISREL 8.51統計軟體進行敘述性統計分析、驗證性因素分析與結構分析。研究結果發現,使用者雖重視隱私,但自我隱私管理與知覺隱私的程度卻很低;使用臉書所帶來的人氣(Popularity)與滿足,是影響後續使用行為的關鍵因素。針對以上發現,本研究提出具體結論與建議,供企業或後續相關研究之參考。


The development of technologies has created today's human civilization. Internet changes the way that people live nowadays. The most popular way people use to engage social activities are the Internet. Many reports showed that Facebook has become the most popular social network platform and has played an important role in people's life. In recent years, the number of Facebook users increased dramatically. The use of Facebook created a unique impact on people's interaction. When personal information was revealed on social networks, the users to realize that ”Privacy” is an issue. Now ”Privacy Management” has become the most important topics, which deserves more in-depth survey. The main purpose of this study is to understand how privacy concerns affect social network users, including privacy attitude, privacy management, and perceived privacy quality, as well as how popularity and self satisfaction affect Facebook users' behaviors. This research uses an online survey platform mySurvey, yielded 360 valid responses. SPSS 12.0 and LISREL 8.51 softwares were used to conduct the descriptive statistics analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structure equation modeling. The results indicate that Facebook users do concern privacy, but the level of privacy management and perceived privacy quality are relatively low. Popularity and self-satisfaction are the key elements affecting Facebook users' behaviors. Finally, this study proposes the conclusions and some suggestions for enterprises to refer to or further research.


Cheng, Y. P. (2014). 影響使用數位遺產因素之研究 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2014.00825
