  • 期刊


Risk Factors of Nuclear Coronary Angiography Anomaly in Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan Areas




Objective: In order to investigate indications for cardiac catheterization versus conservative examination in patients, we analyzed data of 381 patients who received myocardial perfusion scan in Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan areas. Method: We want to establish the prediction model between risk factors of CAD and coronary angiography results. In this study, support vector machine (SVM) and logistic regression (LR) were used to predict the risk characteristics of CAD based on the accuracy.Results: The results showed that the accuracy was 65% with the risk factors of sex, age and smoking by using SVM method. The accuracy was 67% by LR method with the risk factors of weight, smoking, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and palpitations.Conclusions: It shows that the risk characteristics suggested in SVM and LR models can be used to predict the result of coronary angiography, and thus is a useful judgment resource for clinicians.
