  • 期刊


The Influence of Guidance Illustrator on Visitors Visiting Activities: An Example of Guiding Illustration in Zuoying's Wan-nien Season Festival


左營地區(舊稱「萬年縣J」)開發甚早,不僅學風鼎盛,傳統的閩南古厝也爲全台聚落保存最多的地區,每一座古厝都有其歷史與故事,而古厝的外型建造,更有著其獨特的意義。每年十月初在左營蓮池潭畔所舉辦「左營萬年季」的同時,若能藉由深入的文史導覽(傳統社區深度導覽之旅),經解說員詳盡說明,遊客更能體會左營在地文化之美。 本研究之目的爲透過左營萬年季的解說服務爲例,了解遊客對此活動解說服務的型態、提供方式、內容、時間、技巧等項的偏好及探討解說員對遊客之參觀活動有無直接正面的影響,及遊客對解說員的期望,以做爲日後相關單位辦理類似活動時的解說服務改善參考。 本研究發現解說成效對遊客參觀活動有正面之影響,建議國內公營與民營相關單位多予充實解說內涵,培養解說人才,以發揮解說最大功效,提昇休閒品質。


Zuoying area (once called ”Wan-nien County”, i.e., Ten thousand years county) has been explored very early. Not only did the academic atmosphere prosper, but also it is the area of the longest village with traditional Southern Fujian historical residences preserved in Taiwan. Each historical residence has its history and story. The appearance of them has been built with their unique significance. The Zuoying Wan-nien season festival was usually held by the Pond of Lotus in the early October each year. Using this opportunity, if the guiding illustration of history can be in-depth (i.e., traditional community's in-depth guiding tour), through the guide's further explanation, visitors then can have a deep understanding of the beauty of Zuoying local culture. The purpose of this study uses as an example to the guidance illustration of Zuoying Wan-nien season festival. It is to understand visitors' preference for this activity's illustration service type, the way of provision, contents, time, skills, etc., to discuss whether the existence of the illustrators has any direct impact on visitors' sightseeing activities, and to know the visitors' expectation of guidance illustrators. This can be used as references when the authority related intends to hold the similar activities. The result of this research finds that it has positive effect on visitors by tour guidance. Thus, it can improve quality of entertainment and use tour guidance effectively, if domestically and publicly-ownedly can train more specialized tour guides.


