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The Application of Curriculum Mapping on Curriculum integration-Take the Example of Kindergarden in NCU


台灣自2001年至今歷經五年多的課程改革,「課程統整」雖爲其中重要核心精神,然而所呈現的現象及諸多迷思到處可見 其次,根據諸多文獻研究顯見:台灣各級學校e化現況分析,小學部分除校務資訊系統、公文自動化、多媒體教學,以及校園資訊站外,真正涉入課程或教學平台的討論與對話者少;教育部在九年一貫的規劃中,積極推動資訊科技融入教學及培訓教師的資訊素養,然而這樣的推動並不包含幼稚園階段。有見於課程統整理論的迷失及其與實踐層面虛實之間仍待探究,幼稚園階段課程對話與課程統整e化平台實有待建置。 「課程統整的合理性基礎」,探討知識的分化與統整、知識層級性與支配性、知識的平行結構與流通性等問題;其次從探討學校文化的再生、權力的再建構、知識的再概念以建構課程以「課程地圖與課程統整e化」平台的建置分析Jacobs課程地圖e化在嘉大附幼課程統整及其檢核的實踐,以作爲課程統整落實的一種取向。 因此,本研究目的有下列四項: 1.探討幼稚園課程統整再概念的必要性與合理性。 2.探討課程地圖與課程統整應用的關連。 3.運用e化課程地圖紀錄與檢核,建置嘉大附幼課程統整機制的平台。提供幼稚園課程統整檢核機制。


Curriculum integration is the core part of curriculum reform in Taiwan since 2001. But it is also controversial and arguable due to the poor theoretical justificationand lag between theory and practice. At the same time, curriculum integration was looked as label or form without any reconceptualization on the nature of knowledge and power, restructuring on school organization and culture by teachers in school. Recently there were developed a good mechanism by using curriculum mapping as tool and platform for curriculum integration, so the aims of this research as followed: 1. To analyze the necessity and rationality of reconceptualization on curriculum integration. 2. To analyze the connection and application of curriculum mapping on curriculum integartion 3. To develop the e-curriculum mapping as a platform for kindergarden and elementary school 4. To propose some suggestions for curriculum integration on kindergarten.


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