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A Study on the Development Strategy of Japan's Local-characteristics Industries


日本對於地方特色產業的重視廣受國際矚目,一九七○年代日本地方特色產業面臨發展瓶頸,政府透過訂定各項獎勵措施,積極維護相關產業發展,例如制定「傳統工藝品產業振興相關法」(一九七四年)鼓勵傳統工藝品的傳承、二○○六年之「地域產業群聚活性化法」與「中小企業地域資源活用促進法」,強化地方特色產業發展,促進地方經濟繁榮。地方政府亦不遺餘力,例如大分縣平松守彥縣長首創之「一村一品」運動,不僅在國內盛行,也風行海外。 有鑑於日本振興地方特色產業發展制度完備,學界及實務界都非常關注,我國主關機關亦前往考察,整理許多建言,但有關「地域產業群聚活性化法」或「中小企業地域資源活用促進法」等新法未見進一步介紹及討論。同時,針對日本地方特色產業發展輔導法規,除二○○五年版『中小企業白書』相關介紹外,並不常見。本文擬自日本地方特色產業的成立角度切入,釐清其定義、種類及特質,並透過歷史發展了解其各階段所面臨的課題及政府因應政策。其次,介紹政府輔導政策主要法規,以新訂之「地域產業群聚活性化法」、「中小企業地域資源活用促進法」爲主。最後,兼論與我國地方特色產業發展之比較,以收他山之石可以攻錯之效。 我國中小企業向來是造就台灣經濟奇蹟的主角,台灣之經濟發展與中小企業之成長可說息息相關,中小企業如何取群聚效應之利、與地域資源結合、有效發展地方特色產業及文化創意產業,爲關鍵所在。此後,進一步確認政策思惟、制定專法,釐清相關用語定義、明訂主管機關、輔導對象、輔導理念及輔導措施等,乃當務之急。


The great efforts made by Japan in developing its local industries have attracted lots of attention worldwide. The ”One Village, One Product” movement in Oita has been spread all over the country and extended to Los Angles and Louisianan in the United Sates, Philippine, Malaysia, and Shanghai and Wuhan in China. However, the development of Japan's local industries has once been hindered in the 1970s. But later Japan has taken various encouraging measures to protect the development of relevant industries, among which the enactment of ”Traditional Crafts Industry Revitalization ACT” (enacted in 1974, hereinafter referred to as TCIRC) encourages the transmission of traditional crafts, and the enactment of ”Act on Provisional Measures for Specific Industries Clustering and Activation” (enacted in 1997, hereinafter referred to as SIIA) leads the clustering of enterprises. In 2007, the latter of the above mentioned acts was revoked and replaced by the” Local Industries Clustering and Activation Act” and the ”Act on Facilitating Local Resources Activation for small and medium-sized enterprises,” so as to strengthen and facilitate the development of local industries and revitalize local economics. Based on the general development situation of Japan's local industries as well as relevant governmental acts, this thesis analyzes the details of the development of Japan's local industries for the references of relevant departments in Taiwan for drawing up revitalization strategies for local industries.


