  • 期刊


Study on Correlation between Personality Traits and Recreation Preference among Elementary School Teachers


本研究旨在瞭解國小教師之人格特質與休閒活動偏好之情形。採便利叢集取樣方式,以嘉義縣市地區國小教師爲對象,共發出400份問卷,有效樣本387份。利用描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、pearson積差相關等方法進行資料分析。 研究結果如下:1.國小教師之人格特質最傾向「和善性」,較不具「負向支配性」。2.國小教師在不同年齡中,年齡愈大「嚴謹自律性」、「和善性」愈高,偏好的休閒活動爲「團體活動」與「社交聯誼活動」。3.國小教師參與休閒活動情形不理想,其休閒活動類型較偏好「感官娛樂活動」,而「戶外活動」參與率最低;就活動項目而言,國小教師偏好前五項活動依序爲:閱讀報章雜誌、看小說漫畫、看電視VCD、聽音樂、沉思休息等較爲靜態、室內之活動。最少參與的活動五項依序爲:高空彈跳、攀岩、滑板運動、上網咖、健身中心。4.國小教師女性之人格特質在「和善性」、「神經質」上較男性顯著,而在「聰穎開放」之人格特質中男性比女性較明顯差異。國小教師偏好的休閒活動爲「感官娛樂活動」、「戶外活動」、「團體活動」與「社交聯誼活動」,且男性較女性有明顯差異。5.國小教師人格特質與休閒活動偏好之關係上發現:「外向性」特質得分愈高者,偏好「社交活動」的程度愈顯著。


This study aimed at exploring the correlation between personality traits and recreation preference among elementary school teachers. Through random cluster sampling, elementary school teachers in Chiayi county and city were taken as subjects. 400 copies of questionnaire were issued, of which 387 copies were valid. The data were then analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, single factor ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and so on. The following conclusions are derived based on the results of this study: 1. The most obvious personality trait shown among elementary school teachers is <||>agreeableness<||> and less of <||>neuroticism<||>. 2. Different age groups show the older the age, the higher the <||>conscientiousness<||> and <||>agreeableness<||>. In addition, those teachers prefer recreation like <||>group activities<||> and <||>social activities<||>. 3. Elementary school teachers are not active in participating recreation activities. They prefer <||>audio-visual entertainment<||>, with the least involvement in <||>outdoor activities<||>. As far as activities are concerned, the five most preferred activities among elementary school teachers, in order, are quiet indoor activities, such as reading newspapers and magazines, reading novels and comic books, watching TV and VCD, listening to music, and meditation and rest. The five least popular activities, in order, are: bungee jumping, rock-climbing, skateboarding, going to cyber-caf & eacute; and going to the gym. 4. Female elementary school teachers showed more noticeable personality traits of <||>agreeableness<||> and <||>neuroticism<||> than male, while that of <||>intellect/openness<||> is more apparent on male teachers. <||>Audio-visual entertainment,<||> <||>outdoor activities,<||> <||>group activities,<||> and <||>social activities<||> are preferred recreation activities among elementary school teachers prefer recreation activities like, and male teachers portray a more evident distinction than female teachers. 5. From the correlation between personality traits and recreation preference among elementary school teachers, it is discovered that those who scored higher in <||>extroversion<||> demonstrate higher preference in <||>social activities<||>.


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