  • 期刊


Research on the index construction of competitive advantage assessment of bed and breakfast management in kenting area


本研究目的旨在暸解墾丁地區民宿產業經營現況,並擬定民宿產業經營競爭優勢評估指標,希冀研究結果將提供墾丁民宿經營後續發展策略之參考。研究方法:係以運用文獻分析深度訪談法、SWOT 分析法及修正式德爾菲法進行研究。經研究結果顯示,墾丁民宿經營競爭優勢評估優勢應有以下因子。政府:法令支持、舉辦節慶活動、結合當地文化及增加國際化交流活動、交通環境、公共停車場設立;機會:觀光局促進國際觀光客來台、觀光旅遊業盛行、當地旅館價位偏高、天然資源永續維護及遊憩資源永續維護;生產要素:軟體品質、土地擁有、豐裕資金、民宿經營相關知識了解、語文能力提升等;需求條件:軟體需求→旅客需求、地理位置、服務品質要求、硬體需求→旅客喜好、行銷策略、定期內部硬體設備整修與翻新;企業策略結構與競爭程度:自家經營、價格親民化、飽和競爭、硬體設備發展、客製化行程、價位不分淡旺季;相關支援性產業:水上休閒活動、陸上休閒活動、自然與人文資源導覽解說、餐飲業者、旅行業者、醫療支援、上游廠商供應鏈。結論:墾丁地區,本身已具備多項競爭優勢指標,然未達或不足之處,可由民宿經營競爭優勢評估指標為修正依據,規劃出適合當地使用之改進策略,以達永續經營之目標。最後,依據研究結果對民宿業者及後續研究者提出實質之建議,以作為未來墾丁民宿經營發展之參考方針。


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to aim at understanding the current situation of Bed and Breakfast industry in Kenting area, and to develop assessment indice of competitive advantage in Bed and Breakfast industry, hoping the results will be provided with reference to subsequent strategic development of Bed and Breakfast operation in Kenting area. Methods: Methods of iterature review, in-depth interview, SWOT analysis and modified Delphi method was applied to the research. Results: The results showed that the following factors should have impact on competitive advantage assessment of B&B management: Government factor, decree support, organizing festivals, combinming local culture, increasing international exchanges, transportation facilities, public parking; Opportunity factor, promoting international tourists to Taiwan, the prevalence of tourism industry, higher rates of local hotels, sustainable maintenance of natural and recreational resources; Production factor: quality of software, land ownership, abundant funding, knowledge of Bed and Breakfast business, capacity to promote other language skills; Demend factor: software including guest needs, location, requirements of service quality, hardware including guest preferences, marketing strategies, periodic internal hardware and equipment refurbishment; Factor of corporate strategic structure and degree of competition: one’s own self business, acceptable prices, saturated competition, development of hardware development, customized itinerary, price difference of peak and off season; Factor of related supportive industries: water recreational activities, land-based leisure activities, guided tours of natural and human resources, food and beverage industry, travel industry, medical support, manufacturers supply chain. Conclusions: The construction of the competitive advantage assessment of current study could provide B&B marketers to propose appropriate advance strategies toward local business, and attain the goal of sustainable management.


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