  • 期刊


The Impact of Taiwanese Popular Culture on Contemporary China: Qiong Yao and Xi Murong




新時期 鄧麗君 瓊瑤 席慕蓉 現代化 集體潛意識 她者


The paper focuses on the phenomena of Qiong Yao and Xi Murong in mainland China in the 1980s-1990s. While they found success in both Taiwan and China, there were significant differences in historical context and import. The paper begins with a summary of how the "reform and open" policy brought about the "thaw", a renaissance in literature and art, and a new Age of Enlightenment in post-Mao China, as manifest in three major trends: 1. the pursuit of modernization and Western knowledge, 2. the return to the Chinese tradition and the rewriting of literary history, and 3. the rebirth of the individual and the emergence of a new discourse on love. As an "other" with the same language and of the same ethnicity, Taiwan served as the most effective "translator" of Western modernity, which came across as more accessible and easier to "digest." The paper argues that the love stories of Qiong Yao and the early poetry of Xi Murong echoed the collective unconscious of post-Mao China; not only were they consistent with but they also contributed to the emerging cultural trends; and they met some of the psychological and emotional needs of the people.


林芳玫:《解讀瓊瑤愛情王國》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1994 年。
洪子誠、劉登翰:《中國當代新詩史》,北京:北京大學出版社,2005 年。
奚密:《芳香詩學》,臺北:聯合文學,2005 年。
席慕蓉:《七里香》,臺北:大地出版社,1981 年。
