  • 期刊


The Research Transformation and Main Trends of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture in the United States




美國 現代文學 範式 中國學 文化研究


Since 1975, there have been three academic journals in the field of modern Chinese literature studies in the United States, which are now classified as Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. The renaming of the three journals reflects the transformation of research ideas, scope, theories and methods, as well as the historical changes and development trend of sinology research in the United States. From the perspective of transformation, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture embodies the following characteristics: the integration of literature and politics, the integration of tradition and modernity, the dismantling of disciplinary barriers, the dialogue between Chinese and western cultures, and the convergence of Chinese and western information. The trend of the journal towards interdisciplinary and cultural studies is closely related to the decline of the regional research upsurge and the rise of the left-wing criticism. The rise of globalization and the change of the cold war pattern led to the change of the trend of literary research in the United States, which provided an opportunity for the transformation of modern Chinese literary research in the English-speaking world. This kind of turn affects the orientation of the researcher to this discipline, which in turn affects the academic purport of the researcher in this field.


王桂妹、羅靚:〈北美漢學家 Kirk Denton(鄧騰克)訪談錄〉,《武漢大學學報 ‧ 人文科學版》,第 6 期,2011 年 11 月,頁5-10。
王義娜:〈人文學科的跨學科教育模式―對美國高校的考察分析〉,《北京航空航太大學學報 ‧ 社會科學版》,第 6 期,2010 年 11 月,頁 93-97。
李歐梵,〈理論於我有何「用」?―中國現代文學研究和「理論」語言〉,《讀書》,第 6 期,2017 年 6 月,頁 35-43。
秦燁:〈虛構與真實―論《現代中國文學與文化》中的當代小說研究〉,《南方文壇》,第 2 期,2016 年 2 月,頁 69-75。
