  • 期刊


The Stormy Petrel About to Fly: Tai Jingnong's Subjective Consciousness Formation Before Going to Taiwan




臺靜農 主體意識 知識人 革命人


This article attempts to analyze Tai Jingnong's works before October of 1946 from the perspective of shaping the subject consciousness, as well as the resonance relationship between his works and the historical situation, and sort out his path and changes in thought. Although Tai Jingnong's early works were influenced by anarchist thoughts and indicated the budding of "revolutionary" consciousness, the core was more concerned with a nationalistic adjustment of traditional conception of the "scholar" in the transitional era. His subsequent novel collection The Tower Builders showcased Tai Jingnong's entangled subjective consciousness around 1930. The writing of "revolution + love" novels reflected the dual dilemma of spirit and practice: the failure of an "intellectual" who intends to be a "revolutionary". Nevertheless, the "revolutionary" practice at this stage has quietly nourished his ideological background. With the full-scale outbreak of China War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Tai Jingnong has enriched and established his subjective consciousness as an "intellectual" through constant criticism of the reality, on the basis of which his consciousness of "revolution" has been internalized more deeply. Meanwhile, Tai maintained the consistency of literature and revolution in practice while converging the subjective consciousness of the "intellectual" with the "revolutionary".


中國社會科學院文學研究所現代文學研究室編:《「革命文學」論爭資料選編(上、下)》,北京:知識產權出版社,2010 年。
王風:〈思想革命〉,收入王德威、宋明煒編:《五四 @100:文化,思想,歷史》(臺北:聯經,2019 年),頁 51-56。
余英時:《士與中國文化》,上海:上海人民出版社,1987 年。
李霽野:《李霽野文集 ‧ 第 2 卷》,天津:百花文藝出版社,2004 年。
