  • 期刊


The Literature Phenomenon of Malaysia Chinese Newspapers Before May Fourth Movement--Centered on Penang Sin Poe




This article aims to analyze the literary phenomenon and development of Penang Sin Poe from 1895 to 1914. In the first ten years, based on Confucianism's political stance that it valued the application of state-of-the-art, literature and art were merely appendages to supplement the page and occasionally publish it. During this period, the literary and artistic works were mainly poems, and the themes were mostly expressing feelings and traveling, etc. In the later period, the emergence of Cantonese Song, it's extremely vernacular and critical characteristics, made the newspapers literary and artistic. In August 1905, in response to China's "revolution in the novel industry", the Penang Sin Poe changed its former conservativeness and improved the newspapers. Literature and art became independent, with the addition of the Yi Zhi Lu, the supplement. Penang's art in the second decade has matured and become more diversified. In this period, the novel column is the most outstanding. From the very beginning, only a few foreign translation works were published, to the publication of notebook novels, there has been a significant increase in volume. After 1911, the novel column showed a trend of blossoming, many of which were reprinted from China newspapers and periodicals. As a result, many masterpieces with wonderful content, conveying new ideas and positive values appeared. Although the achievements in poetry are not as "new" as the ideas of the novel, the historical memory of Penang presented in it, as well as the process and experience of the southern literati who live here, are all worthy of attention and have important reference value.


王韜:《漫遊隨錄》,上海:上海申報館,臺灣國家圖書館藏本,1888 年。
張煜南:《海國公餘輯錄》,美國哈佛燕京圖書館藏,光緒24 年刊本,1898 年。
邱煒萲:《五百石洞天揮麈》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2002年,《續修四庫全書》影印光緒 25 年邱氏粵垣刻本。
