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The Discussion on Five Characters in "Shì Běn" by Their First Names & Courtesy Names




《世本》 《左傳》 人物

Parallel abstracts

Wáng, Yǐn-zhī (1766-1834), the author of "Chūn Qiū Míng Zì Jiě Gǔ" (The Explanations to the First Names & Courtesy Names in the Spring and Autumn Period) in Qīng dynasty. He classified the relationship between first names and courtesy names to characters by categorizing the pronunciations of Chinese characters, deciphering the meaning of ancient Chinese characters, analyzing the grammar and rhetoric in "Spring and Autumn Annals". "Shì Běn", as a historical source for the genealogy of ancient emperors and even vassals, qīngs and dà-fūs before Qín dynasty, was also a reference to "Chūn Qiū Míng Zì Jiě Gǔ". Five of the characters were taken from it. According to "Chūn Qiū Míng Zì Jiě Gǔ", this article discusses the first names and courtesy names of five characters in "Shì Běn" by categorizing the pronunciations, deciphering the meanings and analyzing the grammar and rhetoric. They are Gōng-zǐ Shù (the prince of Sòng State) whose courtesy name is "Yuè-fǔ"; Huá Jiā's (from Sòng State) is "Shì-zi"; Dà-fū (the senior official of Sòng State) Kǒng, Jīn-fù's is "Zi-mù"; Gōng-zǐ (the prince of Chén State) Chǔ's is "Zi-sòng"; and (the prince of Qí State) Jiǎo's is "Zi-yuān". This article also analyzes synonymous relationship between first names and courtesy names of these five characters, such as Gōng-zǐ Shù and Gōng-zǐ Jiǎo; however, it is an association in similar meaning for example Huá Jiā, Kǒng, Jīn-fù, and Gōng-zǐ Chǔ.

Parallel keywords

Shì Běn Zuo Zhuan characters first name courtesy name


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墨翟著,孫詒讓詁,孫啟治點校:《墨子閒詁》,北京:中華書局,2001 年,據上海商務印書館涵芬樓影印清宣統二年(1910 年)刊定《墨子閒詁》為底本點校排印。
莊周著,郭慶藩集釋:《莊子集釋》,臺北:貫雅文化公司,1991 年。
呂不韋編,陳奇猷校釋:《呂氏春秋校釋》,臺北:華正書局,1998 年,據清畢沅《呂氏春秋校正》本為底本校釋排印。
