  • 期刊


Analysis on the Interaction between International Politics and Domestic Politics


國際政治與國內政治彼此影響且聯繫的現象,自有國家之始即已存在,諸如由國內層次至國際層次-「外交係內政的延長」,亦或反向由國際層次對國內政治的影響,無不解釋此一根本現象的存在。國際政治與國內政治之屬性同屬「政治」,故可以相同的概念與範疇理解之。再者,今日相關研究的議題亦不在於兩層次間是否有所區別,而在於如何研究其間模糊的互動關係。蓋因在全球化的浪潮下,國際生活眾多領域均呈現高度機制化現象,而在國家內部也也可能出現無政府狀態,所以,國際與國內層次已不再絕對地涇渭分明。 自古勒維奇於其「反饋的第二意象」說明國際政治亦為國內政治之因,兩者間呈雙向關係,在分析時應將兩者視為一體後,隨著國際情勢的變化,國際關係學界亦呈現百家爭鳴的狀態,許多理論不斷地推陳出新,其間對於所謂的「層次」或「意象」亦有眾多的討論;儘管如此,就國際關係裡國內政治與國際政治互動此一根本現象的研究與解釋,卻一直未能有突破性的發展,即便是自詡為最具普遍性與解釋力的結構現實主義亦有其不足之處。多年來,學界中亦有為數不少的經典著作出現,但這些推陳出新的概念仍僅只被作為一種「象徵」而運用,距離真正的實際操作仍相當遙遠 本文擬就古勒維奇、普特南與卡普斯坦等三位學者的經典著述作-檢視回顧,並嘗試對其立論作-回應,希冀能於此-議題有所貢獻。


The interactions and linkages between international politics and domestic politics have existed since states build, such as ”diplomacy is internal affairs' prolongation”: from domestic level to international level, or reversed direction: the international politics' influence on domestic politics; all of them are used for explaining this fundamental phenomenon. Both attributes of international politics and domestic politics belong to ”politics”, so we can realize them with the same concepts and categories. Furthermore, contemporary related researches already don’t focus on whether distinction between international and domestic politics exists or not, but on how to research the ambiguous interactions between them. Within the globalization, many fields in international politics already present high institutionalization, besides anarchy may emerge internally within a state, so distinction between international level and domestic level are not entirely different. Since Peter Gourevitch interpreted international politics is also the source of domestic politics and explained a two-way relationship between them in his classic thesis: ”The second image reversed”, the scholars of international relations have competed to contend their arguments with the dynamics of international situation. Many theories found new ways to reconstruct themselves, meanwhile, there were also many discussions about ”level” or ”image”. However, the researches and explanations about the fundamental phenomenon of interaction between international and domestic levels still have no breakthrough, even though structural realism. As times goes on, many classical theses appear, but these reconstructed or new concepts are still exerted as a ”metaphor”, still distant from practical operation. This thesis wants to review these classical theses of Peter Gourevitch, Robert Putnam and Ethan Kapstein, and tries to respond to their arguments, wishes to make some contributions in this field.


Ethan B. Kapstein(1995).Is realism dead? The domestic sources of international politics.International Organization.49(4),751-774.
Richard Ned Lebow(1994).The Long Peace, the End of the Cold War, and the Failure of Realism.International Organization.48(2),249-277.
Peter A. Gourevitch,Walter Carlsnaes,Thomas Risse,Beth A. Simmons (ed.)(2002).Handbook of International Relations.London: Thousand Oaks, Calif:SAGE.
Peter Gourevitch(1978).The second image reversed: the international sources of domestic politics.International Organization.32(4),883.
Alexander Gerschenkron(1963).Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective.Cambridge:Harvard University Press.


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