  • 期刊


The Study of the European Common Fisheries Policy: Its Enlightenment for Taiwan


魚類食物是重要的優質食品源,更為人們提供了就業機會。在一些沿海偏遠地區,漁業的健康發展對區域經濟的穩定至關重要,是其他產業無法替代的。因此,漁業對歐盟(European Union, EU)國民生產總值的貢獻率雖然很小,但卻是非常重要的經濟活動,歐盟和各成員國歷來都很重視漁業法律和政策的制訂和修正。歐盟共同漁業政策源於歐洲共同體(European Community, EC)六個創始國(德、法、義、荷、比、盧)部長理事會於1970年制定的兩個規定,其根本目的之一是保護歐盟水域的漁業資源,保障水產品的穩定供給,實現漁業的永續發展。歐盟的共同漁業政策(Common Fisheries Policy, CFP)達9億3100萬歐元,總共佔歐盟總預算的0.75%。同時,漁業政策也攸關海洋資源之保育,包括海龜、海鳥以及海中大型哺乳類動物,得以維持海洋生態平衡免於大量捕殺的威脅。台灣是一個海島國家,漁業也我國重要產業之一,根據我國貿局統計國貿局統計2003年至今,我國漁獲出口貿易額可達台幣約300億元。因此,面臨海洋資源日益匱乏以及台灣在國際海洋、漁權談判上的險峻情勢下,本文希望藉由探討歐洲聯盟共同漁業政策之發展,分析我國對海洋和漁業政策的發展方向。期能對我國漁業發展、立法和相關政策之推行做為参考。


Fishery is an important and traditional way for living and sea food is also highly nutritious for human being. Fishery provides so much capacity of employment, and it promotes the stable economy as well. In the European countries, governments have taken highly attention on these policies-making, ratification, and implements concerning the fishery policies. The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) is the fisheries policy of the European Union. It sets quotas for which member states are allowed to catch what amounts of each type of fish, as well as encouraging the fishery industry by various market interventions. It had a budget of €931 million, approximately 0.75% of the EU budget. Meanwhile, Common Fisheries Policy is also important for environmental resource. Fishery most directly affects the stocks of target fish and shellfish. However fishery also affects other marine life including birds, marine mammals, turtles. Bottom living plants and creatures may be killed by dragged nets. Conservation (or otherwise) of a particular stock affects the animals which feed upon it. So the EU adopted the CFP since 1970, aiming to balance the fishery market and maritime resource.Taiwan is an island in the sea, fishery is also an important industry in our country. According to the statistical data published by Bureau of Foreign Trade shows that Taiwan's total fishery export quantity since 2003 until now has amounted to 3,000 million NT dollar. In the near future, we could face the lack of maritime resource, and the disadvantageous status of international law, and concerning the negotiations of fishery right. This study would like to analyze the development of the CFP. We hope to take some recommendations from the experience of the EU's CFP. In the end, due to this study may enlighten Taiwan's implements of fishery regulations, promoting the maritime resource managements as well.


鄒忠科(2010)。里斯本條約(Treaty of Lisbon)生效之意義與影響。全球工商。623,28-35。


