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Language and Literature: A Stylistic Analysis of Alan Duff's Once Were Warriors



由於英語在全球的擴散,現在似乎缺乏放諸四海皆準的標準,英語已成為它的使用者的語言。它原本只是在英國由少數人所使用的語言,大英帝國的版圖擴張以及殖民都助長了英語的擴散,如今已演變成是有多種的英語(varieties of English)並存的情況,各自發展出其特色及用法。因此除了有英式英語與美式英語外,還有其他不同的英語,如加拿大英語、澳洲英語、紐西蘭英語等。而這些不同的英語也都不斷在創造各具特色的文學。本文主旨在分析這些文學中的語言,進而深入紐西蘭作家亞倫•達夫(Alan Duff)之小說《曾為戰士》(Once Were Warriors)。研究者期望藉由詳細的文體分析能對這部獨特的文學作品有更充分的理解。


Owing to the diffusion of English around the world, universally acceptable standards appear to be absent and English is now the language of those who use it. The English language was originally a language spoken by only a small amount of people in Britain. The expansion of British Empire and colonisation contributed to the global spread of the language. English in each of the settler colonies (i.e. America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) has changed and developed its own style and usage. Therefore, apart from British English and American English, we now have other varieties of English, such as Canadian English, Australian English, New Zealand English and so forth. Each of these Englishes has its own characteristics and each has been creating its own literature. This paper is mainly aimed to analyse the language of these literatures, focusing on Alan Duff's Once Were Warriors. With a detailed stylistic analysis, the researcher hopes to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of this unique literary work.
